Agaricus 💫



3 years, 3 months ago


adopted from anamatronicfish

* ??? (they/he)
* eevee [ normal / grass ]
* ability: anticipation
* dig | ancient power | leech seed | perish song

* same timeline as pollux
* lives in a very old forest that has lots of mushrooms in it. deeply connected to this forest and cannot leave it on his own, he'd have to have sustained outside help to be able to roam outside his forest
* very weak; the forest gives him strength, and in return he gives it new life. he's able to grow more mushrooms and certain kinds of plants in this forest and keep the cycle going
    * specifically the part of the cycle he assists with is decomposition; if something dies in his forest he can decompose it
    * pokemon that live in his forest often regard agaricus as a herald for a peaceful ending
* very deeply connected to celebi because he's sort of a symbol for the end of time
* mushrooms that grow on him are a part of them and would hurt if you removed them outright (however if you just took off the heads i think it'd be okay?)
* able to see even though his face is covered by his wings. his eyes reflect that of the forest; he doesn't show them to anyone afaik
* eye above his head can be seen when he uses ancient power or perish song