


3 years, 3 months ago


Name Nightshade

Nicknames Night, Deadly Nightshade

Gender Female

Pronouns She/her


Sexuality Bisexual Biromantic

Colony Fire Colony

Rank Monarch

Build Broad and muscular

Disposition Confident and serious

Geno ll BB aa McMc spsp titi Ccs Sfsf

Pheno Longhair black solid with folded ears

Full Info Link


aggressive • vindictive • tactical • private

Nightshade is a molly who doesn’t mince words. She’s known to be outwardly disrespectful and cold toward others if it means she’ll get her point across. However, Nightshade is not a fool who will run her mouth off unnecessarily. Having a parent who trained her to be more diplomatic, she prefers to listen and wait until she has the full story before she shares her thoughts. Nightshade’s beliefs and aspirations are not well understood by others, as she focuses more on her actions than how she communicates. Being so reserved and hostile, there’s the impression that she doesn’t care about anybody, even the family she’s lost.

Nightshade distrusts cats outside of the Fire Colony to the fullest extent. As she grew up, she learned that some colonies would be on her side, but that their loyalty was fleeting. There are many forces that have wronged the Fire Colony, and having a lack of ability to do anything about it, Nightshade’s built up a lifetime of resentment for them. Nightshade has an impeccable memory pertaining to the actions of others, and she believes that those who deserve retribution will inevitably face it, if not by her paws.

Nightshade is tactical and knowledgeable. She isn’t against being questioned on her choices, but she expects others to give a compelling reason as to why she should or should not do something, as she already puts much thought into her orders. Of course, due to how aggressive and impassive she comes across to others, being questioned about her behavior isn’t uncommon.







Nightshade and her siblings Laurel and Orchid were born to the leader of the Fire Colony, Tinder, through the use of an outsider surrogate. Being the daughter of the cat in charge of the Fire Colony already made life different for Nightshade. She didn’t like excessive attention even from Tinder themself. Then consider how many cats were interested in the litter with the brightest start in life. Nightshade preferred to keep to herself, though didn’t mind a little playtime with her siblings every now and then.

As Nightshade grew older and more into herself, she began to “change sides” from Laurel and Orchid to Tinder. Tinder’s connections and experiences as a leader lent them much knowledge of which Nightshade was interested in. Being a quiet kid, Nightshade didn’t like sitting through conversations herself. Though, Tinder told her that her relationships with others would be a crucial key to life. The cordiality of her parent must’ve been the reason the Fire Colony lived peacefully.

Laurel was often off in their own world, Nightshade observed. But Orchid, Nightshade wasn’t actually all too different from him. She was initially confused to see that he began to see her as a rival but came to understand why. His admiration of Tinder conflicted with her own drive. It was clear that Nightshade had an interest in their parent’s work, even if she thought of deviations she’d take to their type of ruling.

The Fire Colony faced its first death with Thunder. Nightshade wasn’t a comforting figure, nor did sadness ever slip through her stoic expression. Still, deep down, it was a shock to a young cat who’d never experienced such a change in atmosphere before. She didn’t mind the others taking time to grieve, as long as they didn’t let it affect any work that had to be done. Life had to go on, after all.

Stoat gave birth to two kittens, Sheep and Goose. It was reassuring to have new life in the Fire Colony and Tinder sure seemed happy about it. Honestly, she was a bit annoyed by all the excitement surrounding them. They weren’t as cute to her as they were to others. All those loud squealing noises they made… She swore it could be heard a colony away.

The freedom to explore her homeland’s territory was a breath of fresh air. Tinder helped teach her how to hunt and defend herself. Nightshade was secretly fascinated with these skills and practiced whenever she could. This was also the time she picked up yet another rival, Rose. The opportunity to see the other residents more meant she’d eventually butt heads with somebody. She hated having to deal with his level of moral superiority… even more annoying than Orchid trying to overshadow her when she didn’t care.

Rising Moon Arc

Chickadee came back from a walk spouting incomprehensible things. Once the rest of the Fire Colony saw why, though, it was chilling. The Web Colony had killed Wisteria, Shredder, and Pebble, and Chickadee only got away through their sacrifice. Nightshade carefully inspected her parent’s gaze, wondering how the Fire Colony would be led from here. It became clear to her that they’d first have to tend to the residents before they made any moves outside the Fire Colony. Nightshade couldn’t see the purpose in the Web Colony committing such an atrocity. With the Web Colony being so closed off, it was near impossible to judge their intentions through other colonies. Now she felt an ounce of pity for Rose; losing his mother and trying to mend the tension between his sibling and parent was a difficult task. She couldn’t disagree with his stance in that personal drama, either. Chickadee couldn’t be blamed for escaping, less he would’ve died right alongside Pebble and Shredder. So it was commendable for Rose to defend them on that.

Tinder made the decision to make distance between the Fire Colony and Web Colony, however, the Web Colony only ate up the border the Fire Colony left behind. Nightshade could see now that the Web Colony was purposefully picking on the Fire Colony. Though some others thought it could’ve been some horrible misunderstanding, Nightshade thought from the start that the Web Colony meant what they did. Why else go so far as to kill cats? She couldn’t blame Tinder for not knowing what to do at the moment. The Web Colony had an upper paw with the Fire Colony lacking any sort of information.

A blessing was the Clover Colony. They came looking to hear the side of the Fire Colony, saying they heard about what happened at the border. Nightshade wasn’t able to press Tinder for the whole conversation with them telling her she didn’t have to worry about it. From what she could gather, though, the Clover Colony knew more than they should’ve. It was odd, how’d they know what they did?

She wondered if Tinder thought the same, as the Fire Colony went on to ally themselves only with the Frost Colony and Lake Colony. Tinder often got her to help out with colony affairs, but now Nightshade didn’t have to be asked. The Fire Colony was overwhelmed, both with handling relations and the toll that’d been taken on the individuals themselves. She could tell that some cats didn’t enjoy being bossed around by her before, but it was like they’d given up now. Some of them seemed afraid to leave camp, to which Nightshade would have to remind them that they couldn’t stand still.

The Fire Colony and Web Colony went on to battle again. Out of it came a badly injured Camellia and more territory taken from the Fire Colony, except now it wasn’t merely abandoned. Nightshade couldn’t believe how much she wanted the Web Colony to get their comeuppance. They had no idea what they’d done to the Fire Colony, full of innocent cats who only wanted to live their lives in peace. Before all of this happened, Nightshade simply wanted to be strong for the sake of it. Now she had an unwavering resolve to knock pain back into the Web Colony and let them fall.

Nightshade didn’t like bossing her own parent around, but she told them that they needed their allies more than ever. The Web Colony thought they were invincible, why not overdo it and take them down a peg? Tinder hesitated, saying they hated to drag the other colonies into this. Nightshade figured it didn’t matter, though. What the Web Colony was doing affected everybody.

The Web Colony and Fire Colony fought again, but this time Tinder didn’t hesitate to call in allies. Nor did the Web Colony, apparently. What Nightshade didn’t expect was to see the Clover Colony allied with the Web Colony. She wouldn’t forgive them for this betrayal.

Nightshade made a beeline for the leader of the Clover Colony herself. She matched Raspberry’s skills in combat, though that could’ve been Raspberry getting caught up in underestimating her opponent. Raspberry forfeited to Nightshade and ordered the Clover Colony to retreat. Despite that, the Web Colony still won, reaching the Fire Colony’s camp and driving them all out. Left with no territory, the Fire Colony took refuge in the Lake Colony.

Tinder talked to Nightshade the night after. The Lake Colony had lost their leader and they were fortunate enough to have a successor in place to take over. But the Fire Colony didn’t, and they were already close to crumbling. Now that Nightshade was old enough to take on this role and learn more about what went into being a leader, she could choose to be Tinder’s successor. She would be the Fire Colony’s back-up if something went wrong.

Nightshade took Tinder up on their offer and was made the successor of the Fire Colony. Many cats questioned the timing of it. Nightshade also wondered how her siblings felt about it. Though her future was considered daunting to most— inheriting a ruined colony— she was not afraid. She’d make sure the Fire Colony wasn’t forever hopeless, especially if it meant she could take down the ones who did this to them.

When she was made a successor, she noticed that her relationship with the residents of the Fire Colony had changed completely. She had authority, but working under Tinder humbled her. She became quieter and listened to Tinder wherever she could, even if she thought the diplomacy they put into everything was tedious. Being careful became essential one day when Spider was brought by Pinecone into the Lake Colony. The urge to hurt this Overlord for all that he’d done to the Fire Colony clearly wasn’t exclusive to her. But she simply watched him with observant eyes as he explained that he’d been overthrown, that he wanted to find and share information with the Fire Colony.

While even some trusted cats of the Fire Colony and Lake Colony said they wanted to kill Spider, Nightshade would insist they keep him standing. Though it was completely possible he’d lie for his own gain, it’d be best to take what he had to say into consideration. Passing up the opportunity for information when they were in such a vulnerable place… it’d be foolish. So then, the Fire Colony interrogated Spider, and it soon became clear that he was clueless about the state of the colonies. That said something in and of itself when he connected it all to the new leader who’d overthrown him. The cooperation he showed his interrogators was enough to show just how stupid this tom was, no wonder he’d been manipulated.

The Fire Colony still had an enemy in the Web Colony. Even though many cats began to think they’d aimed their harsh words toward the wrong cat, Nightshade thought both Overlords had caused irreversible harm. Letting Spider off with a slap on the wrist was a painful sight as Nightshade reflected on all the cats who’d lost their lives because of him. Maybe Spider thought he’d be safe in the Fire Colony from now on, considering the sensitive personality Tinder showed him. But if he ever showed his face to Nightshade again, she’d surely kill him. To think this all could’ve been prevented if he was just a little smarter.

Death was always sudden. This time it was Laurel, and the Lake Colony cat they’d taken their outing with, Lily. To have a cat once so close to her die brought on an empty feeling for Nightshade. Once their vigil was over, she was set on simply moving on. Dying from a rockfall… they should’ve been more careful. That’s all she thought about it.

Pinecone delivered a message to the Fire Colony saying Spider would be returning to the Web Colony. Not to get back his position as an Overlord, but to disband the Web Colony and return the Fire Colony to their territory. How would somebody so clueless manage to turn an entire colony against their Overlord? Nightshade supposed it was possible, but it didn’t sound like the Web Colony was at all friendly with Spider anymore. Skeptical, Nightshade would continue to bring up the idea of finding a new territory to Tinder, if this didn’t work out.

Word instantly got out that the Web Colony had indeed fallen. Nightshade knew the Fire Colony would have to talk to Spider or other past Web Colony cats about how the transition to their territory would go. But she’d leave that to Tinder. Even if the problem had been solved because of Spider, the problem was caused by him to begin with. She wouldn’t ever be able to forgive him.


The Fire Colony slowly returned to their territory. Showing up to the abandoned camp and seeing how ravaged it’d been bothered Nightshade, so she was quick to plan orders around fixing it up. It didn’t come as a surprise to Nightshade, but two ex-Web Colony cats wanted to join the Fire Colony. Nightshade’s immediate response was no; she wouldn’t deal with their false guilt, not when the Fire Colony had no reason to forgive them. However, Tinder insisted they’d join, and so they did.

Nightshade was furious with Tinder’s choice, considering it a mistake, but she never went against it. Still, she was distinctly severe with her treatment toward Aurora and Solana. If they wanted to prove themselves, she wouldn’t go easy on them. They’d have to process that they’d supported the act of murdering Fire Colony cats. Who knows if supporting those heinous acts was all they did, anyway?

The Fire Colony was finally settling back down. Their camp didn’t look like a horrible mess, and spirits were lifted with their luck returning. Tinder seemed a lot happier as they settled down with a mate, Griffin. Nightshade did notice how close the two had always been, as Griffin was often a consultant for Tinder. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Nightshade noticed that Tinder, Wasp, and Millie had been gone for too long one day. When she set out to find them, her worst suspicions were confirmed. Wasp was dead upon her arrival, and Nightshade found Millie half-alive. Knowing her fate was inescapable, Nightshade put Millie out of her misery. She left the two to find Tinder, but somehow, they’d gone completely missing.

Nightshade acted quickly as the Fire Colony’s new leader. She wouldn’t let danger come to any of these cats again, and a good prevention of danger was company. Residents weren’t able to leave camp alone, and for a while, there’d be search parties for Tinder as well as the fox that killed them. As the vigil was held for Millie and Wasp, Nightshade wondered if she’d have to send off Tinder as well. Was her parent really dead?

Bitterness burned in her heart for the forces that’d knocked the Fire Colony down repeatedly, but the hope that her colony would eventually recover was something she was even more passionate about. As long as she was their leader, she wouldn’t let them give up on themselves.

  • Nightshade is easily bothered by repetitive noises
  • Feared losing everything until she experienced losing her home and now believes the Fire Colony can only rise from here. The Fire Colony represents rebirth, after all
  • Skilled in combat
  • Holds a grudge against the Clover Colony, Hill Colony, and Cavern Colony
  • While many expected Nightshade to eventually be made leader, she isn’t that well-liked and more just respected
  • The youngest leader of the colonies yet
  • Physically, has Himalayan-like features
  • Nightshade originated from a standalone story and was a monarch. Her name was Duchess and changed to Nightshade as a reference to Tinder, as their name was planned to be Nightshade

Though they are missing, Nightshade considers them dead. It gives her closure, instead of holding onto empty hope. She still keeps their teachings in mind, and thinks of them as more of a mentor than a parent. Sometimes it felt like they thought so too.


Back then, Nightshade and Orchid used to carelessly play with each other like normal siblings would. That was before Nightshade realized Orchid thought of her as a rival. It was neither of their faults that they were so alike in the worst way possible. It was simply fate that they'd never get along.


Griffin was Nightshade's step-dad, but she never considered him so. Personal ties like that only wear you down, and by the time Tinder and Griffin were mates, Nightshade was well aware of that. Griffin's strength and weakness is the same thing— his softness. He's the type of cat Nightshade aims to protect through being the Fire Colony's leader.


She's lazy, but she is reliable in other ways. Nightshade isn't so easily bothered by her, even if it may seem like she is. Tart knows when to shut up around Nightshade and Nightshade's exterior is too impenetrable to be bothered by Tart's games.


A cunning manipulator who never took care of her kids. Frankly, Nightshade doesn't like her, but is there anyone Nightshade gets along well with? Stoat is easy to see through nowadays; she's getting easier to work with.


In a world as harsh as this one, it must've been hard for Chickadee to find their place. Are they only here to play support for the rest of the Fire Colony? It's clear they have their own issues, and there's nobody left to listen to them. Nightshade has to acknowledge they're an important part of the Fire Colony, but they simply come off as aimless.


Nightshade is easily annoyed by Zinnia and all the noise she makes. But she's yet another cat who the Fire Colony wouldn't feel itself without. Her cheer truly is something to behold. Nightshade's surprised the Fire Colony's past hasn't completely broken her down. No worries, the Fire Colony always bounces back. Nightshade refuses to let all their pain go to waste.


Nightshade has her reasons to hold a grudge against Solana; it's difficult to think of Solana as a victim after everything. Nightshade has let her distrust of Solana and her mate go, though. She will never understand them, but she accepts them as a part of the Fire Colony. Solana is efficient with her duties, she's respectable enough.


Nightshade has many mixed feelings on Spider. If it were up to her, the Fire Colony would've moved away sooner instead of depending on Spider to get their territory returned to them. She hasn't forgotten all that he'd looked past and allowed. He was an incompetent leader and Nightshade hopes he never shows his face around the Fire Colony ever again, lest she does something she regrets.