


3 years, 4 months ago



"Trust and respect: they are something a person earns rightfully. And you have given me that."

  • Name Saint
  • Age Unknown
  • Height 6'9
  • Occupation Cultist, Rapture
  • Sexuality Homosexual
  • Personality

    Much like Leviathan, he is shown to be a rational leader, with great cooperation from his disciples, and aided Leviathan with his contributions to the cult. He is also shown to be calm and sometimes aloof, but this is to hide his gentle and caring nature, which can be easily be exposed for Cadacus.

    He enjoys a tranquil environment, where anyone can take a deep breath from all the exhaustion, but is unable to with the house he and Cadacus shares. He has also shown to be responsible with duties, often doing most of the chores of the house, and sometimes bills.
  • Likes Quiet places, cute animals, cooking
  • Dislikes Messy and noisy environments, bills
  • Backstory

    Saint is a Rapture, a high-class robot under a special cult known as The Order. He has an unknown origin much like Leviathan with his files lost, and is also thought to have a probability of not having a past life.

    He leads a group of Heaven Disciples that specializes in aerial combat. Despite having no abilities that benefits him much from such fights, he does excel in fighting against it.

    The longer he stayed under the cult, the more he grew doubtful of it, realizing how much abuse it has done under the name of God and power. And since Cadacus, he also grew suspicion that a purgatorian may be one of the factors of the cult's beating heart. And so, he ran away without warning, hoping to isolate from the reach of the cult, live a life, and find answers.

    He found Cadacus on his way and started as enemies. But after a deal they have made, he slowly grew fond of him, until they grew closer. He has also shown to have feelings toward him, although he tries to hide it as much as he could. He now then lives with the purgatorian, with the threads finally connecting with the help of Cadacus, hoping to find the answer soon.

  • Cadacus Relationship

    At first, he had a complicated relationship with him, mostly negative due to Cadacus' race. But as time went on, they became closer. The time they spent together developed their relationship to become trusted friends an partners. They would get into fights and troubles, but other than that he deeply cares and respects him.

    He has also shown to be sometimes irrational and blush around him, implying that he has a developing crush on the purgatorian.
  • Leviathan Relationship

    Very much like Leviathan, the both has known each other since their creation, but does not come in good terms for the most part, though, he still respects him as a brother.

  • Bast Relationship

    Saint does not trust Bast as much as he respects him, this is due to Bast being Leviathan's underdog. Both raptures see each other as mere partners in the cult.

  • Trivia
    • ● He can shoot the halograms on his wrists as a disc projectile.
    • ● He is the second tallest in the whole cult.
    • ● He likes cooking, but he dislikes doing it for Cadacus.
    • ● The majority of Saint's design was based off a robot version of Cadacus.
    • ● His blood is shown to be blue, although it might be oil.
    • ● He can sleep and eat like a human, but this is optional for him.

profile html by Hukiolukio