


3 years, 4 months ago



"I will hunt every single one of your kind until the world is cleansed of your existence."

  • Name Leviathan
  • Age Unknown
  • Height 8'0
  • Occupation Cultist, Rapture
  • Sexuality Straight/Bicurious
  • Personality

    Leviathan is a logical, tactical, and rational leader. He has shown to have contributed almost everything on their section, even involving the government to aid them with specific tasks and duties. But, despite this, he can be vain and has occasionally treated most of his disciples poorly, sometimes even Bast.

    He has shown himself and the status with the cult in the public and has contributed to the nation's military and political matters, giving him a good, respectable public image. With his fame and glory, he is also known to be a womanizer, who has been with multiple women before, but rumors spread of his interest with the other sex.
  • Likes Wine, women, fistfights, praises
  • Dislikes Not having wine on occassions
  • Backstory

    Leviathan is a Rapture, a high-class robot from a special cult called The Order. No one knows what his origin is, and much like Saint, the files of his past life are lost and destroyed, or maybe never even had one.

    Titled as the Rapture of the Sea, he leads a group of Sea Disciples that specializes in aquatic combat. He is the strongest and highest Rapture out of the three. Leviathan carries almost everything that runs under their section in the cult ranging from funds to resources. He excels in leadership and combat skills, and is highly revered by the disciples, cultists outside their section, and even in public as he is a well-known public figure.

    After the disappearance of Saint, he requested Bast and his men to search for the lost Rapture, as he has grown suspicious of his past actions, too.

    With his hubris and lusting, he became vulnerable enough to be infiltrated by Enoch, possessing and influencing him under his power without his knowledge and control, slowly, but surely..
  • Cadacus Relationship

    He actively despises Cadacus, as he is a purgatorian, something he sees as an abomination to God's creation, and tries his best to eliminate him and his other kind.

  • Saint Relationship

    The both has known each other since their creation, but does not come in good terms for the most part, though, he still respects him as one.

  • Bast Relationship

    Leviathan treats Bast almost poorly as he is the lowest and weakest rapture out of the three, ordering him around often, and sometimes berating him. He had kept Bast's files to himself to prevent controversy and an uproar from the rapture.

  • Trivia
    • ● Leviathan's mouth acts as a shredder and is occasionally used to fatally kill someone in combat.
    • ● He is the tallest in the whole cult.
    • ● He claims to like seafood, especially sushi, despite the cannibalistic irony.
    • ● It was said the Leviathan sleeps with 1-3 women everday.
    • ● Leviathan can get drunk and go out of control.
    • ● It was rumored that he tried sleeping with a man before, although, that wasn't confirmed with any solid proof.

profile html by Hukiolukio