
9 years, 18 days ago

Basic Info


Chaotic Neutral


Raysel (ry-zel)


Rayz, Zel







Dryad, Rose variety


Relationship Status

Notable Features

Missing half of left arm



     Raysel is a generally kind, yet choatic Dryad. He enjoys causing a bit of mischief to those unaware of his presence, but not in such a way that would put their life in danger. His is, however, wary of others in general, as his past curiosity caused the loss of part of his left arm. A disfigurment that hasn't made him feel any lesser about himself, but was an unfortunate cost for being naive. The roses and thorny vines that grow on the left side of his body have since grown around and helped heal the injury. While he generally runs around with his arm in this state, he is able to use some of his substantial magic to grow part of the limb back, in the form of a thorny, clawed appendage; however he usually only does this if he needs to protect himself, as his disability doesn't stop him from doing much else.

    In more recent times, he has learned to use his magic to turn himself into a human when needed, to protect himself and also blend in... in otherwise hostile environments. He does still stick out like a sore thumb, rather bedecked in flowers and the like, but for the time being it seems to have become passable. He may look strange, but most other humans accept him as one of their own for the time he is around them. This has, of course, allowed him to be curious about humans in a safer way, than those of his naive younger days. And he has taken to quite literal 'people watching' in this form. At times this can become an issue however, as some find this strange, and then become suspicious about him.