Basic Info








Element: fire

Powers: can heal minor injuries when she Wraps someone in her fluff. 

Can summon small bursts of fire when provoked and has a small amount of control over fire.


        •telling stories by the fire and using her small control over fire to visually bring her stories to life.

        •sparking imagination and creativity in all she meets.

        •helping lost, orphaned, and abandoned kits either find their village and family or find new family who will love them.

                 Hestia lived in a very small village of phoefox seemingly in the middle of nowhere.
She lived there with her mate and kit, and they were very happy.
Hestia acted as the healer for the kits with their miner scrapes and bruises the small family lived in the center of the village and during the winter Hestia was the keeper of the hearth as the only phoefox in the village with an affinity for fire. All the kits loved to crowd around and listen to her tell stories. Stories of the phoenix and the first phoefox, phoefoxs that could bend space and time, and ones that could even rival dragons in strength alone.
All the kits listed in aw as the stories and characters came to life in the flames of the hearth, they all became entranced as the characters darted around and flew above them.

One day during the driest summer the village ever experienced, clouds started to form on the horizon, the whole village was filled with the hope of rain.... but the rain would never arrive.
During the heat of the afternoon Hestia was attending to a kit out in a nearby field who got stuck in some brambles.
Just as she turned to take the kit back to the village the clouds had made it over village, completely blocking out the sun.
Hoping to be back in time to play in the rain with her kit. Hestia started to run towards the village with the kit in her mouth, but she stopped suddenly as lightning began to strike.
As the electric storm hit.

Hestia set the kit down and told them to run to the water hole. As soon as the kit started running Hestia ran as faster than she ever ran before, her heart threatened to pound right out of her chest. With ears pinned back and tail seemingly disappearing as the air started to become black with smoke as fire sparked and spread where ever lightning struck.
She called out to her kit and her mate hoping and praying to phoenix that she would get a response but that hope was soon crushed as lightning struck the tree in the center of the village...
Her home.

Where her mate and kit were.
She let out a heart broken scream. Hestia was almost in the village as lightning struck just a few meters in front of her.

It started a huge ranging fire that threatened to engulf her. But Hestia quickly turned and ran, the fire close behind singing a few hairs at the tip of her tail.
She ran and didn't stop until she had swam to the other side of the watering hole.

There she stayed with the kit until the fire died out.


Five days later rain finally came and extinguished and raging flames.

Once the rain subsidided Hestia ran to what was left of the village.
Once she arrived there was nothing left but ash and ruins. She searched for days looking for her kit and her mate, hoping that by some miracle they had survived. But her heart sank like a rock in a bottomless ocean when she found the charred, skeletal remains of her beloved mate surrounding and their precious kit.

Her beautiful sunset eyes became blinded with tears.
Hestia let out a loud sarowful cry. She cried to the skies and cursed whoever or whatever brought that storm. And screamed they should had taken her too.

She started there with them, sobbing
and mourning their deaths for two days until the kit that she had caring for while the fires burned came looking for her.
When she heard the kit looking for her she took the one thing left that was small enough to carry.
With her kits blue Jasper core in her medical poch that she found in the ruble of her home she quickly buried their bodies to save the kit from the horrific sight. And left to meet the kit.


Months later they came across a village of phoefox and the she helped the kit find a loving family. And then continued on.


Now she roams in search of a place to call home, to tell her stories, and to properly lay her kit's core to rest.