
3 years, 7 months ago


WIP, he's been discussed alot but now i need to make him a whole bio huh

Tw for abuse, and drugs and ptsd

Name: ???

Alias: Loaf

Gender: Male

Height: lol

Quirk: The power to soothe with touch, Loaf can relieve stress, fear, judgement, anxiety, pain-anything negative can be cast aside. Through simple touch and the focusing of their quirk Loaf can temporarily put anyone into a state of absolute peace, or even bliss if they wish. As long as physical contact is made and Loaf wishes to use their ability they may stay in this state-the second contact is broken the experience ends. When his quirk is activated the invisible epicenter of his quirk appears; his wings and tail. Quirk has been used like a drug.






-until the age of 15 his parents used him and his quirk like a drug and kept him on quirk-boosting drugs so that his quirk was pretty much always firing. Subjected to regular physical abuse from both the illegal clientele and his parents Loaf ultimately became a canvas of wounds. His mother has a powerful healing quirk.

-All Might led the bust on his parents from a lead they had gotten nearly a year ago from another bust where an experimented-on girl with an invisibility quirk was recovered. He nearly passes out from Loaf's quirk when he rescues him, and it takes a lot of willpower to continue responding as if this was a crisis situation and not a beach day.

-Nearly 6 months later All Might is informed that Loaf will be unable to coexist with society and will likely be kept in isolation due to his severe trauma and state of fear. He had already come to the conclusion that Loaf was joining his family instead.

-Yagi Toshinori and his housemates Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada take in Loaf. (Yagi moved in to help care for the kids for the active pro heroes, and to take care of his own declining health)

-Loaf is in a nearly catatonic state of fear towards the 3 men, especially Aizawa who holds resemblance with the type of clientele that would abuse him. While enamored with All Might he refuses to believe Yagi is the same man, even when he muscles up in front of him. Its simply more lies and deceit by "the shapeshifter"

-If not for another adopted child, Mizu, Loaf may have never recovered to any degree. Recognizing her from their shared recovery slowly leads to him opening himself up to not just her, but Shinsou and their dads as well.

-Timeline wise it takes about a year for Loaf to trust Yagi, 1.5 for Hizashi, and 2-2.5 for Aizawa. Trust also does not mean 100%, these are tge points when he starts willingly interacting and giving them the opportunity to show him that things are okay now. Mizu he trusts immediately and desires to protect, Shinsou he is wary of but not terrified due to his age so they coast neutrality with each other until bonding starts.


-wears as much clothes as possible because he hates his scarred skin

-hates the outdoors for years

-loves sandwiches, especially "Papa Yagi's World Famous" bologna sanwiches that are slapped together at 3am

-Not very materialistic, but sentimental, anything he owns except for necessities is art, photos, or merch from/for the people he cares about

-Touch starved as hell when you get past the trauma

-Craves validation in every form

-Easy to frighten

-Soft spot for cats, though can you blame him with who he lives with

-Loves music, helps keep him grounded when nothing else can

-Hates being alone to the point he shares a room with his little sister Mizu who shares in that sentiment

-Hates being called anything other than Loaf or a nickname. Hates his name, and adopts the alias Loaf from his sister Mizu and latches onto it like a lifeline.

-Loves bugs

-Had a sister with a bug quirk