Regis Morandi



3 years, 7 months ago


Regis Rex Morandi, "The King"

Born: 1938

Age: 20 (1958)

Height: 6'4

Orientation: Pansexual

Star Sign: ??????

Lionel's oldest son, Regis is the next in line to take over the family. Growing up he was always closer with his father than any of his mothers. He's very time conscious, always on time or early, and expects people to at least try to be on time. One of the leanest of the brothers, Reggie lacks the lowest pairs of ribs and has a metabolism from hell, but he can eat like a damn horse.

I should preface this bit by saying, an incest kink runs in the family,
Regis being the oldest and closest to his father was actually into it when his father started fooling with him, even though he was only eight years old.
He's closest with Arcanus, his future second-hand-man and the one currently in charge of relations. 

After the Arcanus incident, Regis went mute for about a month, talking only to Cane when prompted. He even left NY for about a week just to get out of the house and find someone to snuggle with that wasn't presently his father, or one of his traumatized brothers. Cane reached out to him to get him to open up again, assuring him that he didn't blame Regis for the monster their father had become.

As a teenager in middle and high school he was a bit of a rapist alongside Jesse Draki, the two being horrible influences on one another and rather close friends. Jesse wouldn't touch minors, but he would keep watch for Reggie in those cases. He stopped doing it around the time Caelius got hurt.

He blames himself for trusting Silvio anywhere near his little brothers, and wishes he could've seen what a monster he was before it had happened... Silvio was a bad influence on him, as well as Jesse.

Regis has a SERIOUS crush on Wooley of the GC, Arcanus told Luke just to keep an eye out. Wooley kept getting his favorite flower on his windowsill every day for a good year and a half until he turned eighteen, the day after which, Regis approached him and asked him over for dinner, a cornflower in hand. They have a short fling, which gets Wooley out of a depressive episode and calms Regis down a bit, teaching him some self-control.