Kuragari Hisaya



3 years, 3 months ago


kuragari hisaya (暗がり 久哉)


Male// 21// Aug. 24



MC Name: Dis-Ease
Division: (n/a)
Occupation: streamer/influencer
Height: 173cm/5'8


  • Attention
  • Yamikawaii fashion
  • Bunnies
  • Producing music


  • Being social
  • Being compared to others
  • Being talked over



If you ask Kuragari to describe himself , he'd detail a soft, shy person that's nonconfrontational and cutely awkward. This is absolutely not the case. Kura does, in fact, have social anxiety, which makes it hard to initiate conversations in a normal way. However, his frustration with himself often leads to him sounding way more hostile than intended, and in combination with his defensive nature, it's a recipe for arguments. Kura is a hard person to get along with, but he's a very passionate person all around: especially when it comes to those he cares about. He has very low self esteem and hardly takes care of himself, overworking himself to sickness and exhaustion quite often. He always puts his friends' wellbeing before his own.


Kuragari never liked school, or socializing with people face to face much at all. He's always been rather opinionated and condescending, which drove other kids away and caused him to be bullied for most of his childhood. Although it pained him to be so disliked, Kura is incredibly stubborn and never bothered trying to change himself for anyone else, for better or for worse. His grades managed to stay above average, but it's not like he was "passionate about learning" at all. All he wanted to do was get through school unbothered, but his complete inability to bite his tongue and stay silent about anything he was even somewhat passionate about ruined his relationships with most of his peers, and his snippiness earned him quite a few physical alternations in middle school. High school was when Kura gave up on academics, opting to use social media and online content as a form of escapism. High school was also when he discovered his love of making his own music and that's when he decided: I'm gonna make popular music and then, everyone is going to like me!

Now, Kura is a social media star who says he got popular because of his style of humor and rapping that’s loaded with self deprecation that his audience can relate to, but everyone knows it’s just because he has a cute face and a unique sense of style. He tends to dress in menhera/yamikawaii street fashion and has the sort of bold confidence that can be expected of a man who believes he has nothing else to lose. 


Tarou Matsuda (rap partner, roommate, (boy)friend):

Tarou too is a streamer and social media influencer. Tarou and Kura are childhood friends: Tarou admired Kura's ability to stand up for himself and be confident and Tarou was the first person to give him a chance and continue to stick around. Kura is extremely attached to Tarou. Literally. They're almost always together, and Kura can't help but cling to Tarou in any way he can: linking arms, holding hands, letting Tarou lean against him on train rides or in the backseat of Takaomi's car. Since they’ve known each other for most of their lives, they have a playful, teasing relationship and most of their banter consists of what could easily be seen from the outside as mean spirited jabs at each other’s character, but that’s just how they talk. In actuality, the two of them are co-dependent and rely on each other for support, whether that be making sure the other has had at least one meal that day, bouncing lyric ideas off of each other or just being gay as hell for no reason.

Takaomi Matsuda ((boy)friend's twin brother):

Taka just thinks of Kura as a weirdo, but that weirdo is his brother's friend so he doesn't really bother him. Although, nearly every single time he sees Tarou in his adult life, Kura is there too, and that throws him off no matter how many times it happens.


His mic is a standard black microphone with a pink ribbon wrapped around it. His speaker are modeled after PC cabinets.


His first name Kuragari: 暗がり means "darkness."
His last name Hisaya: a commonplace last name.


♡Uses "boku" as his first person pronoun

♡Kura prefers nicknames to his full name

♡Kura cries a lot easier now than he did during school

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