Jasper "Lone Wolf" White



3 years, 7 months ago


Name: (Alias) Jasper "Lone Wolf" White / (Actual name) Audhild Casee Abisai

Nickname(s): Casey, White, Wolf, or Abby/Abby Cat

Title(s): Lone Wolf, Steel Skin, Hell's Angel, Missile(All Pirate and/or Mercenary titles) / (Currently goes by) Daughter of the Sea(also is one of her favorite songs, even if it makes her cry and think of her older brother), The Opal Bullet(Works for the OpalHeart Empire as a Commander), Seacat(A variant of sea dog), and Commander

Age: 33

Class: Gunslinger - Weapons Specialist - Dual weapons Specialization

Orientation: Homoflexible / Demiromantic

Marital Status: Widowed


Jasper was known for a bad temper and a foul attitude. She was known to kill anyone who pushed her temper too far. She was known to be a cunning and scary woman, who could kill without breaking a sweat. She was known to be one of the most volatile and dangerous pirates to ever stalk the sea.

Keyword: was. Jasper is now known to be far better off than she was before she was picked up by the most important people in her life. She’s now far more calm, able to hold herself well in combat, and peaceful situations. She’s savvy with her guns and many weapons. She’s also fiercely protective of those she cares about.

She’s also gotten softer as time wears on. She isn’t nearly as hard as she used to be. She can be very loving and loyal to the ones she loves. It’s what her previous partner loved about her, a bit crazy, but otherwise, a very affectionate woman when she trusts someone. 

However, she isn’t a saint. Jasper has deep-seated guilt over her older brother, who she thinks was killed by her parents. She also thinks it is her fault her husband got killed. She also has a tendency to relapse into her substance-abuse habits. She can’t always hold it together, and will cry when she’s alone, or in front of her two young children. Sometimes, she relapses into a poisonous mindset, a mindset that she can’t rise above the life she was born into. This makes her revert back to her pirate self for a time. However, there is a far more dangerous mindset she can relapse into. At points, though rare, she can relapse into her teen self, where she was starved. This will cause her to refuse to eat, insisting on giving any food to her brother. But there are people who know when it happens and know how to get her to come back to reality. 

Loves: Collecting old metals, sunning on the deck of her speedboat, reading, and old paintings (usually worth a lot of money)

Likes: Guns, the seawater, missiles, stars, and watching tv while holding her children

Dislikes: Fellow pirates, ferrets, seaweed, and crabs

Loathes: Strip clubs, bagels, and hummus

Temperament: Jasper was notorious for having a short temper and blowing up at anyone and everyone who ticks her off. Most people didn't bother her since she was also known to off people who make her too angry. Now, her temper is far more tempered, making her calmer and generally a more pleasant person.

Fears: Handcuffs, losing power, tight spaces, and people bigger than she is(can get over this if she trusts them)

Fun Facts:

  • Jasper was inspired by a Black Lagoon binge. Points to whoever can guess who she's modeled after.
  • Jasper's design was the one in front of me when I got the idea to make her, so she got stuck with the hybrid tabby design.
  • Jasper doesn't like using a belt, so she uses a rope as a belt.
  • Jasper owns a small collection of guns and weapons, though she isn't truly a gun fanatic. She owns duel pistols, both engraved with her Inc. name, a pump-action shotgun, an assault rifle, a rocket launcher, and a good old fashion bow and arrow.
  • Speaking of Inc. names, Jasper works under the company name "Sea Wolf Inc."
  •  Jasper works alone, even though she runs her company, and having people working for her would help lessen her load. She does this because she is afraid that, because she is a pirate, anyone under her would try to take her power.
  •  Jasper uses the name "Jasper White" to hide the fact she's a woman, due to some employers favoring the male gender over female. Even those who find out value her as important, as her services are over 600% effective and she has a 0-fail streak that she doesn't plan on breaking. Not to mention her prices are cheaper than most other companies, making them very convenient and combined with her effectiveness, attractive to people who want to save money. The effectiveness comes from never sleeping when she's on the job and planning her route to go through areas less populated by other pirates. When she does run into other pirates, she fights back tooth and nail. Even if her cargo is stolen, she will get it back, no matter the cost.
  • Because Jasper is great with building guns and ammo, she runs a small side business making custom weapons. She’s rather popular for her designs, customized paint jobs, and how reliable her weapons are. She runs relatively low prices for such guns, giving a discount for other commanders and queen commissions.
  • Jasper chose the names Eirik and Toril for her twins because Jack was a Viking descendent, so she wanted to honor him by naming them with Norse names.
  • Jasper doesn’t use her real name for a second reason that she doesn’t disclose. She doesn’t use her real name because it brings up traumatic memories of her home life and past, which she’s trying to forget.

Theme song(s):

  • N/A


Physical Info

Anthro Feline / American Short-hair-Kurdish Van mix

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 145 lbs

Body Type: Semi-Muscular 



  • Mikhail Kozlov. Jasper has always been distrusting of men and women alike, so for her to have a close relationship with Kozlov is unusual. Her relationship with Kozlov is strong and positive, one of the relationships that helped her in the long run. To put it simply, Kozlov and Jasper’s relationship is a father-daughter one. Jasper sees Kozlov as the father she never had and Kozlov sees Jasper as another of his daughters, of who he is extremely protective of. He helped Jasper see her mindset was practically killing her and took it farther and helped her climb above the world she was born into. For that, Jasper is grateful and will often check in on the old man and bring him her cooking, which he helps her learn. Even, on special occasions, he will dance with her, letting her relive a very treasured memory and time where she was happy. Overall, Jasper sees Kozlov as more than a friend and as one of the only people she can truly trust with her past and her present problems.
  • Jack Timothy Harvey Jr.(Character belongs to MrSCP) The one man who actually cared to understand. Jack and Jasper’s relationship is more than the woman could hope for. Jack was a man who served in the U.S. military, and when he was discharged, became a mercenary. To say that Jasper’s first impression of hit was bad would be an understatement. He challenged her to a dual, in front of a bar. Not being one to turn down a challenge, she accepted. To Jack’s surprise, she won, knocking him out with the butt of her loyal pistol. She took him back to her boat. From there, the two only grew closer. He covered for her when her boat was attacked, he lent her his shoulder to cry on when she needed it, he comforted her anxiety when she found out she was pregnant with their two children, he taught her some basic cooking skills, he helped her walk after she gave birth, and most importantly to Jasper, he made sure she knew he loved her. She made sure he knew she loved him, reciprocating his feelings, and being clear about them. The two survived the war with the Cult of Bahamir, which made them respect one another’s strength. After the war, Jack got Jasper into therapy and rehab, not wanting to see her destroying her body like she was. The two got married, both of them cried when they saw how they both looked in their formal wear. Sadly, Jack was killed by a shot to the head when their kids were about three years old. Jasper was devastated when she found out. But, despite Jack’s passing, the impact Jack had on her self-confidence and her as a person is not something she will ever forget. Even with her heart totally hammered by his passing, she pushed on, if not for Jack, for the good of her kids. He helped her get her broken wings back and helped her learn to fly. For that, she will never forget the man who broke her shell and loved her to his last breath. Even two years later, she hasn’t forgotten.
  • Eirik Harvey. Jasper’s shy mama’s boy. Eirik is a sweet, loving child with a huge soft spot for his mother. Whenever she would cry, he would hug her. Whenever she needed help, he would help as best as a five-year-old could. When she went to start her bad habits again, he would hug her legs and ask her if they could get ice cream, just to be sure she didn’t fall back into her bad habits again. Jasper knows Eirik isn’t a stupid boy, he knows she was a single mom. She gives him a small allowance of about 10$, or about 50 credits for some easy chores. Jasper and Eirik are very close, much like Jasper and Kozlov are. She’s thankful for her little boy, sometimes wondering if Eirik and his sister were a gift to her.
  • Toril Harvey. Jasper’s shy but goofy daughter. Toril is a good kid, if a little goofball. She loves her mother, knowing she’s been through a lot and like her brother, Eirik, will support her mother by helping her keep herself in line. She will make necklaces out of beads, help wash her father’s coat(See Most Valuable Possessions for more information), and especially help her cook. While Toril can be troublesome, Jasper loves her daughter. She’ll give Toril a small allowance, the same as her brother’s. Both of Jasper’s children love her, and the feeling is mutual, she loves them. 
  • Bedrich “Benny” Daniel. Oh, Benny. Jasper and Bedrich are very close friends, he was even the best man at her wedding. She often hangs out with Bedrich, talking about war, horses, their childhoods, and even how her kids are doing. Jasper often cracks a smile around Bedrich, as the guy has a sharp sense of humor. The two often trade stories and even belongings as long as it was something they can let go of them. She values her friendship with Bedrich.
  • Merla Root. Jasper’s relationship with her first boss is not super strong, but she still sees her as a friend. Not as close as Bedrich, but she and Merla occasionally talk, normally exchanging stories and talking about life. 
  • Roland “The Old Hand” MacDougall.(Character belongs to MrSCP) Jasper and Roland’s relationship is one of the most surprising of all. Roland was Jasper’s second father figure, with the old man having a way with troubled souls like her. He saw Jasper as his sister, who was killed by a demon. He helped comfort her when the stress of war was getting to her. He was one of the people she called when she was stressed, especially when Jack had been killed. He lent his hand to help her, especially helped her train with a sword. Jasper loves the old man, valuing the swordsman’s loving hear. He’s even a godfather to her two children.
  • Fang. Jasper’s loyal sea-wolf. Fang is about as big as a dire wolf, with blue fins and spines. His eyes are crystal blue and his fangs stick out of his mouth, hence the name Fang. Fang was a gift from the Queen of The OpalHeart Empire, a play off the tradition of giving any high ranking individuals a mount to keep them company, usually a horse. The Queen figured since Jasper once ran Sea Wolf Inc, she thought it would be fitting to give her the sea wolf. To Jasper, Fang is one of her best friends. He’s playful and is fantastic with her children. When Jasper is upset or even feeling stressed, he will join her kids in trying to comfort her, often in the form of licking her face repeatedly. Fang is loyal to her, and Jasper is loyal to her wolf. Jasper often rides or walks Fang for exercise with her kids. Jasper will often cuddle with Fang at night. Fang will talk to Jasper like a husky does, which Jasper finds adorable and hilarious.
  • Jude Abisai(Goes by Big-B, which stands for Big Brother)(Note: Whenever Jasper is used in a Roleplay, two statuses could be applied to Jude: 1. He will be dead, killed by blunt force trauma to the head, or 2. He will be alive, but Jasper has no clue where he is.). Jasper’s loving, if awkward, older brother. To say Jasper and Jude were close would be one of the single biggest understatements anyone could make. When Jasper was little, Jude would protect her from her household, even if he broke bones to make sure she was safe. When Jasper was a bit older, she started protecting him, wanting to repay his kindness. When Jude was hit by a bus, he had his leg amputated. Jasper knew her parents wouldn’t get Jude a leg or even a wheelchair, so she took it upon her fragile little self to get Jude a leg or wheelchair. She panhandled, eventually getting enough to get Jude a decent prosthetic leg. She often got Jude books about Egypt and history, with what little money she could get. She was scared shitless when she was abandoned, they took Jude with them. She kicks herself because she thinks he’s dead. 
  • Olivia and James Abisai. If these two ever appear in Jasper’s peripheral or her front view of vision, she will shoot to kill. Olivia and James are Jasper’s parents, who have neglected her and abused her and her brother. To say she hates them is a major understatement. But, why shoot to kill or get them arrested as soon as she can? She knows they will hurt other people if they are not stopped. She will not rest until she knows they can’t hurt anyone again, because the sheer damage they inflicted on her confidence and her mind is something that no one should ever have to endure.


Most Prized Possessions

  • When Days Were Better. This is the name Jasper gives to a special locket, one of two she has and one of the only pieces of jewelry she will ever wear willingly. It’s a small silver oval with a dark blue jasper embedded in it. Inside are two cutout photos. The left picture is a picture of Jack in his formal wear, smiling. The picture on the right, the center, is both of them, Jasper and Jack on their wedding day, holding one another. The necklace was a gift from Jack when Mother’s Day came around. 
  • Children’s Love Shown. This is Jasper’s second locket and one she treasures just as much as When Days Were Better. This locket is a small silver heart-shaped locket with a picture of Eirik and Toril inside of it. What makes it special? Both Eirik and Toril saved their allowances to get the locket for their mom. They got it for her birthday, which totally surprised her.
  • Jack’s Aviator Jacket. When Jack died, Jasper kept his jacket. She washed it of blood and wore it when she was upset. She wears it when she leaves to be in public. It helps her feel safe. She takes care of the jacket, out of respect for him. She knows it’s a little strange, but she doesn’t care.
  • The Silver Moon of the Stars. This is the name of her spaceship, which she originally called The Rickety Wolf. With the help of some of her friends, she took her rickety speedboat and turned it into her ship. It’s equipped with her armory, where she keeps her armor and uniform, her arsenal, where she stores her guns, a stable for Fang, several rooms, used as bedrooms, a functioning kitchen, and a command center. In her room, deemed “Commander’s Quarters”, she has her children’s beds and toys, so she can keep an eye on them. She loves her Rickety Wolf, even if it was a dingy little speedboat. The ship is still her rickety little boat that served her loyally during her times as a pirate. To her, it’s still her Rickety Wolf, just improved.
  • Hati and Skoll. Her trusty pistols. These two guns have been enhanced to be far more powerful than they normally would be. With enhanced and special ammo, her boys are her favorite guns to use in any operation or even for her concealed carries.(Got her permit from the Queen.) She never leaves her ship or home without Hati and Skoll.
  • Wolf, The Bane of Humanity. Wolf, her assault rifle, is one of her favorite guns. She painted the wolf on the barrel. She loves that rifle, often using it if she’s sent out on particularly dangerous missions. She sometimes thinks the gun is blessed by Odin(Jack was a Viking Descendent) or even Jack himself since the gun has saved her hide several times. 
  • Old Howler. Her shotgun. Old Howler is a powerful gun that packs quite the punch. Jasper always keeps Old Howler by her side when she sleeps, to protect her children and herself. This gun is an old one but is constantly improved, getting new parts, and special rounds to deal with almost any threat. This gun, along with Wolf, goes with her on missions.
  • Fenrir’s Revenge. Jasper is a gun fanatic, loving guns and even studying their components and compounds, especially how to make special rounds. But, Fenrir’s Revenge is her exception to her gun-loving heart. Fenrir’s Revenge is an enhanced bow that she found in a junkyard, originally labeled Trueshot. She took the broken bow and fixed it herself, making it her little pet project. She rebuilt the shaft and carved the tale of Fenrir into it, painting it when she had time. The time she put into the bow was noticeable. She often attends archery competitions, which the Queen allows as long as Jasper is polite and not a total bitch. Turns out, she’s a sharpshooter, even with a bow. She uses the bow when she needs to remain unseen and unheard, as it is absolutely silent when firing an arrow.
  • The Rain of Fire. Jasper loves her rocket launcher, her old trusty Rain of Fire. She built the launcher herself, painting the barrel herself. While the Queen was skeptical about Jasper having the large weapon, she let her have it, though she has to have a permit to carry it. She mostly leaves it on her ship, locked in her arsenal. She only uses it when she needs to, which is rare.


Personal Playlist(This section is dedicated to songs that mean something to the character.) :

  • Daughter of the Sea by Peter Hollens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owLdJhA8BssThis song means quite a lot to Jasper, as it reminds her of her brother. This song makes her guilt come to the surface, especially with the lyric “And buried deep beneath the waves, betrayed by family.” Betrayed by family, the words that make the woman cry because she feels like she betrayed her brother by not being able to stand beside him when she was in her older teen years. She will chant “Beware, beware, the Daughter of the Sea,” because she feels like she became the daughter of the sea, someone to be feared. Even if she isn’t such a woman now, it reminds her of her past, a past she is not proud of.
  • Concrete Angel by Martina McBride - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1zbYXrwBrkThis song hits Jasper close to home, reminding her of her haunting past. This song makes the woman cry every time she hears it because it makes her ask what she did to deserve what happened to her. But, it also reminds her how strong she really is, like a stone in a hurricane from hell. She sometimes feels forgotten when she hears it, but it still reminds her that she turned from forgotten to known.
  • Completely by Ledger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyFnrjC40LoJasper holds this song close to her soul, reminding her of all the love she has now. This song was shown to her originally by Jack, giving it more significance to her. She finds the song to be applicable to her relationships with Kozlov and Roland, as she feels she doesn’t need to hide when she’s around them. 
  • Undefeated by Skillet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5X0hGtIEp4This is Jasper’s power song, reminding her that she is still standing tall. This song helps Jasper restore her confidence when she’s running low on it, which is somewhat rare. She will also listen to the song in the shower.
  • Legendary by Skillet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAXCNeAk7-0Another one of Jasper’s power songs, but this one means something a little different to her. This song reminds her of her treacherous climb from the scared little girl she was to the fearsome Commander she is now. 
  • Set it off by Skillet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMS8x_cifKkOne of Jasper’s all time favorites! This one comes with carrying some memories of Jack, but it remains a positive song because it reminds her of what Jack did. Effectively, it felt like he rewrote her history. 
  • Shadow of the Ash by Miracle of Sound - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJnsNT0JPCYJasper sort of thinks of herself as a shadow at times, despite being one of the more vibrant characters I have. But she can be just as quiet as a shadow if she needs to be. That and Jasper likes rock and metal. 



Audhild was born in a crummy neighborhood. The cops weren't an unusual sight in the area, though, Audhild was part of why they were there. She stole frequently and had even been in prison for murder when she was 16. Her parents had left her when they moved out, leaving her to fend for herself. She began to kill to survive, as she was not a very large woman. She soon realized she enjoyed killing the ones who wronged her. She soon made her way to the dock where she bought a speedboat.

She kept a phone on the boat, listing her number as the Sea Wolf Inc. She got many calls for jobs, all of which she completed for a handsome sum of money. She let her life go, embracing the sea and her life of crime. Many asked to be her employees, however, she turned them down, out of fear of an overthrow. Especially in her field, where more backstabbers are. She wouldn’t trust them, she couldn’t.

But, all of that changed when she met Jack. She accepted a challenge from him, at the local pier bar. She defeated him, which didn’t surprise her but surprised the bar patrons(Jack is thin, boney, but has military training(He’s also 5’7), Jasper has more stature and self-defense training). She took the unconscious Jack to her boat, leaving him tied up on the floor. When he woke, she started talking to him, saying he lost his glass eye. But, their conversation didn’t last long, as Jasper was attacked by another group of pirates. Jack managed to get free and help her out. From there, Jack and Jasper grew closer. When Jack was threatened by a cybernetics engineer, Jasper took it upon herself to destroy the factory. By getting them captured and having Merla set up explosives under it. The blast nearly killed her, burning off 95% of her fur, but the lab was destroyed. She recovered, waking up in Merla’s bunker, hooked up to a breathing machine and with patches of new skin on her body. She had a skin graft done to restore her severe burn wounds.

A few hours later, Jasper had to take her heat medication, as she was on her cycle. But instead of suppressing her symptoms, it made her more heated. She had been drugged(Goddammit Jeanne!). Neither Merla or Bedrich would stand for such a crime against their delivery pirate, so they took Jeanne away. Now in worse condition(Was running a dangerously high fever(Talking 107 degrees Fahrenheit) and so shaky that if she fell from standing, she could’ve severely hurt herself.) than she was before, Jasper called for Jack. She asked him to help. She had to explain what was happening to her. (Jack was thick-headed) But he did, impregnating her by the end of it. They both were scared of being parents at first, but both agreed they’d have the twins. The bunker was attacked by a demon, and Jasper, being vulnerable, was sent away to live with the Brukkah for a time.

This is when she ran into Roland MacDougall(again. Did beforehand, but to her, she didn’t mind him being around but never talked to him extensively.). Turns out he was part of the Brukkah, a friend of Fergus Shaw. She talked to him about her fears of becoming like her parents and how she wasn’t sure of herself. He comforted her, getting her something warm to drink and getting her to sleep that night. She stayed there for about three and a half weeks. But, when the village was attacked, they fled with a very much asleep Jasper. 

Jasper woke up again in Jack’s arms, in the deserts of Egypt. She was elated to be back with Jack, knowing she was safe again. The group operated out of a cave for about a month. After fending off an attack on the group by the Cult of Bahamir(MrSCP’s creation), Jasper went into labor, giving birth to Eirik and Toril. With children around, Jasper was sent to live inside a large metal cat, named Ranifira MK-II(Responds to Rina or Ranifira). Jack went with her, wanting to make sure she was okay with being alone again. Jack left to finish the battle with the Cult. He came back, much to Jasper’s delight. The two got married shortly after the final battle with the Cult. Jack got Jasper into therapy to help her deal with her past and anger problems. But, unfortunately, Jack was killed by an assassin when Jasper was around 31 leaving her widowed and with two three-year-olds. Jasper was devastated by Jack’s death, feeling like she lost a part of her. But, even with his death, she pushed on, her kids supporting her as she needed it. When the earth began to crumble, she turned her little speedboat into a ship(Not as big at first) and got out of there. 

She ran into Kozlov out in space, who took her to the OpalHeart Empire. She was introduced to the queen, Eveluna Opalheart. After she was evaluated, Eveluna gave the go-ahead to train Jasper to be a commander. After her basic training, she began to train under Kozlov, getting through her training almost two years later. She received Fang when she completed her training. 

Now, she’s in a far better place than she was before Jack came into her life. She currently resides in her ship with Kozlov and his family, who help her with Eirik and Toril.



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PG - No

Pg-13 - Yes

R- Yes








Notes? - Yes

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Discord? - Yes (ask)


Can I draw her?

- Of course! Please credit me. I'd love to see how you interpret her and what you draw.

Can I RP her?

- Absolutely not.

Can I use her off-site?

- No, and if you do, I will hunt you down and report you.