Kaarma (👑)



7 years, 25 days ago


The Gorgon God

Name Kaarma
Age 1000+
Body Length 20 ft body, tail length 100ft
Weight 6000+ lbs
Gender Intersex
Race Gorgon
Role God of Karma


  • Justice
  • Revenge
  • Dimension Jumping
  • People with positive karma


  • Mutiny
  • Betrayal
  • Two-Faced People
  • People with negative karma

Confident . Ruthless . Omnipotent

Kaarma is the Gorgon-Medusa God of Karma. She loves punishment/rewards and justice. One of her biggest passions is revenge. Kaarma has a complex nature. She is very powerful and knows it--she likes to flaunt it around and intimidate and threaten people. Not only is she dominant, but she is ruthless as well in times of war or battle (she can tear bodies in half with her four arms, or swallow people whole). Kaarma has been known to dismember or maul people that she doesn't like/care for (especially if you do not respect her, insult her, or are rude/snide or have bad karma). It will be obvious if Kaarma doesn't like you because her pupils will become small and slit and she will not break eye contact with you or blink and her breathing becomes shallow. It will also be obvious if Kaarma intends on eating you because her mouth will stay open slightly while widening (with her fangs coming forward) and she will loom over you with all four of her arms out. On the opposite side if she likes you her eyes will remain round, she will have a slight smile while breathing deeply with all of her arms down. Kaarma is ruthless to those who deserve, and compassionate to those who have earned it.

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