

1 year, 3 months ago


Weight of the World
Battle Tapes

01 — Profile

Name Qik Sioff
Nicknames Silver, Quick
Age 24
Gender Male ( He/They )
Height 1.8m / 5"11'
Birthyear 33 BBY
Species Human (Force User)
Orientation. Asexual
Homeworld Unknown

  • Distinct vaguely-lightning-shaped scar on his right cheek

  • Eyes hetrochromatic, right brown and left blue

  • Long silver-white hair, often worn up but not always. A haircut's the least of his priorties

  • Wears a black fingerless glove on his left hand

  • Name pronunciation: "Kick Soff"

  • Always carrying his two blue lightsabers, one regular and one shoto blade.

02 — Personality

While as a Padawan, Qik was energetic and a proud nuisance; Cocky, over-confident and impatient. He would always be quick to act when off on missions with his Master ////, who put up with his arrogant actions. Much to the dismay of the other Masters, and jealousy of the other Padawans.

However, after the Republic Civil War, Qik was left on his own and collapsed in on himself. Now much colder, he hides his fun interior for self-preservation. Doing their best to take things slow and calculated, although now and then their old habits break out.

  • Night-Time

  • Droid Modding

  • Piloting

  • ...

  • Empire | Imperials

  • Crowds and Armies

  • ...

  • ...

03 — Background


Qik Sioff was found and brought to the Order by a Jedi Knight when he was four years old, and was aquainted with the teachings of the Force as a youngling.

He became close with several Padawans [TBA]. Along with some of the Knights and Masters, notably Master Brook. Who despite not becoming Qik's Master, remained a good influence on him


With the start of the war splitting the Order between two factions, Qik's training was expiditated and he was made a Padawan early despite some discouragement. Thus his training is fast-tracked and intensive, not to mention also having to go on diplomatic and combative missions galaxy-wide.

When the war drew to a close, a false-victory declaration sealed the remainding Order's fate. Qik narrowly escaped the carnage through [REDACTED] - Leaving him to fend for himself.


With the Order in ruins, and no one left to turn to, Qik fell to doing what they could to get by - mostly theft and smuggling.

Due to being in hiding, he left the Jedi ways behind, cutting himself off from the Force, and swapping from sabers to blasters. He remained solitary, although having a few run ins with various faces. But eventually a trip got him a friend in the form of a little mouse droid, DI-66 - who helps to maintain Qik's (stolen) ST-70.




04 — Trivia

  • When fighting, Qik uses forms Shien and Jar'kai. He doesn't only use sabers though, and is sure to keep a blaster in holster.

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05 — Relationships


After answering an unusual call through the Force from Tatooine, Qik finds himself stuck with Parker, a Force-Sensitive Cantrosian. Who relies on Qik to protect and train him against the looming Empire.

Despite Qik's best efforts to not get attached to the cat, he very much does and the two view eachother as brothers.


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In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.