
3 years, 4 months ago


"Not all demons are bad~"

Name: Triage

        : French origin, meaning the process of sorting injured people.

Sex: Male (He/Him, but can be referred to with They/Them)

Age: Unclear exactly. Appears to retain the memories and maturity of a child.

Species: Demon

What is he?

Triage is a demon, around four feet in height. His role is to find lost souls that haven't moved on and guide them to the afterlife, be it to heaven or hell. This task is typically assigned to angels, however, due to quite a few mistakes, Triage did not become an angel like he was meant to, and was accidentally made a demon instead. Since he kept his good natured demeanor, he was permitted to serve as a guide regardless.

Why's he so kind?

Triage died sometime around the 18th century, and at the time, he was just a child. Children are naturally pure hearted, and thus when he died he essentially had a free pass into heaven and angel-hood. However, an unfortunate clerical error sent him to hell instead, turning him into a demon with the memories and general demeanor of a young child.

Why 'Triage'?

The child who died back in the 1700s was horribly ill, and was not treated when he should have been. Due to this medical malpractice, a child lost his life. Triage took upon the name on his own accord, after the method intended to keep people like him from needlessly dying.

How does he work?

Triage can both see and sense when there are lost souls nearby, and he seeks them out accordingly. Often, the souls will remain where they died, but there are occasions of a soul attaching itself to another living person. They sometimes prefer that to being alone. But they do not belong there.

The light blue markings around Triage's body will begin to glow, and he will either pick up the soul to temporarily absorb it, or 'reach into' a living host to remove the hitchhiker. He's very careful to not hurt the host in these cases, and to not harm their proper soul.

Once a soul has been absorbed, Triage will return to the spiritual realm, where the soul will take on its human form once again, just as they used to be when living. Triage will then guide them to their final destination, wherever that may be. He's a very comforting presence actually, and helps many to accept that it is time to move on and accept what's happening.

Is he dangerous?

Technically, yes. He is capable of taking any soul he wants really, and thus killing as he pleases. He has sharp (retractable) claws, razor like teeth.. He's very much a demon.

However, Triage retained so much of his child self, that he could never bring himself to purposely hurt someone else. In fact, he's been known to show up and actively prevent people from dying so that they could keep their souls.

There is something important to note about Triage though, and that is his defense mechanism. When he feels threatened, or gets highly stressed, the markings on his body will again, glow. This time however, a surge of energy will emit in a small radius around him, that drains the life force of any who get too close to him.

Triage is not very good at controlling this ability. It is triggered if he gets frightened. And he is always horrified by the results. It is never intentional to harm or kill anyone, but it does happen.

Character Fun Facts!

-Triage has wings, but he can't really fly. They're more for gliding short distances than anything.

-He is not wearing a mask. That is in fact his actual skull.

-His eyes always glow, as he's always searching for lost souls. The marks on his body only glow when his power is being used.

-He doesn't talk much, mostly communicating through chirps and whistle type noises.

-When he does speak, his voice sounds like that of a child's.

-He's very good with kids, surprise surprise, and is a go-to for when the soul of a child needs help finding their way to the light.

-Super soft. Great for pets.

-Really likes shiny things.