
3 years, 4 months ago



Home: Archades, Ivalice

Age: 17 (Final Fantasy XII), 18 (Revenant Wings), 19 (Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn)

Occupation: NA (Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings), Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, Endwalker), Warrior of Darkness (Shadowbringers) 

Race: Hume / Hyur

Gender: Female

Height: 157 cm (5’2”) 

Eye Colour: Green


  • Naive
    • She's been mostly sheltered her whole life, never having the chance to be truly independent and since she's been mostly accompanied by Melekh or Kaspir, it limited her freedom. This caused her to become naive about just how cruel the world can be and that it's not all puppies and rainbows like it is in her storybooks. 
  • Optimistic
    • Lana believes that by viewing life in a more positive light the world will outgrow the ugly things and more beautiful things will result from it.
  • Compassionate
    • Lana believes everyone deserves some kind of good in the world (except for Zenos). Most times, she even feels pity for villainous characters such as Nidhogg and even Emet-Selch. Furthermore, Lana cried after she had slain Nidhogg because she understood his pain and his vengeance against humanity, but she knew her duty as the Warrior of Light and knew the thousand-year terror that Nidhogg brought upon man needed to end. To this day, Lana still believes there could have been another way to resolve the conflict without bloodshed and death. 
  • Kind
    • Pretty straightforward statement. Lana is a very kind girl and (almost) wouldn't harm a fly. She is a good girl and is happy to aid anyone however she can.
  • Charitable
    • While strolling Archades disguised as a plain, common girl, Lana would give orphaned children some valuables she held so that they could exchange them for gil. This worked out well for her, because she wasn't one for the material things, and didn't want them to simply collect dust. Lana was happy to help the needy however she could. 


Born in 689 Old Valendian, Tietra Historia Bunansa is the only daughter of Dr. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, born to a servant, thus, making her a half-sister to her three older brothers. Her mother did not survive childbirth, and as a result, Tietra grew up with no motherly figure. Nevertheless, she grew up well, and she grew up close to her brother, Ffamran. When Ffamran left the household due to his fallout with Cid, Tietra was distraught for days and refused to leave her chambers until her oldest brother, Melekh, forced her out. As Ffamran was no longer around, Tietra became lonely and her only solace were the storybooks that Ffamran used to read to her. 

As the years went by, Tietra began to take notice of her father’s strange behavior, to the point where she eventually became too intimidated to approach him. She started to understand why Ffamran had left those years ago and plotted her escape in hopes of finding Ffamran and reuniting with him, but her plan failed when she was caught by her brother Kaspir and brought back to Melekh. As a result, Tietra was placed under Kaspir’s constant watch (much to his dismay). 


A year after the events of Revenant Wings, Tietra took on a new alias, “Lana”, and left Ivalice to embark on a new adventure to spread her own wings and broaden her horizons. Her journey would eventually lead her to Eorzea, where she is chosen by Hydaelyn as one of her warriors of light.


  • Her birth name, “Tietra”, is a nod to the character, Tietra Heiral, from Final Fantasy Tactics.
  • All of the Bunansa children are five years apart. Melekh is the first, then came Kaspir, then Ffamran (Balthier), and finally, Tietra (Lana). 
  • Lana embraces polyamory during Shadowbringers and is happily loved by Urianger, Thancred, Estinien, Leofard, and Aymeric. All of her partners are open and supportive of each other. 
    • Urianger, Lana, and Thancred enter a polycule after 5.0.


Scions of the Seventh Dawn
  • Minfilia Warde
    • While the two didn't have much of an opportunity to grow closer, Lana appreciated the time she spent working for Minfilia and saw her as a kind soul, worthy of her respect. 
  • Thancred Waters
    • At first, she wasn't too impressed by him. Over time, she grew a soft spot for him. Eventually, he asked her out on a date and she said yes and had a pleasant time with him. Thancred and Lana were in a relationship from post-Ifrit to pre-Leviathan. Despite their romantic past, Lana still cares for Thancred as a friend and considers him a good man. During Shadowbringers, she and Thancred get back together and enter a polycule with Urianger. In the future, they have a daughter named Emery.
  • Y'shtola Rhul
    • The big-sister figure to Lana. Lana thinks Y'shtola can be a little cold and doesn't always appreciate how blunt Y'shtola can be, but overall, Y'shtola is a good person to Lana. Y'shtola has a soft spot for the hyuran girl and understands her good intentions, but finds Lana to also be too naive for her own good. Nevertheless, Y'shtola has Lana's back and vice versa. In the future, after Lana, Estinien, Urianger, and Thancred become crystalized, Y'shtola takes Lana and Thancred's daughter, Emery, under her care. 
  • Urianger Augurelt
    • Urianger and Lana are both huge nerds together. Urianger feeds lore to Lana and she eats it up. Both have an interest in literature, history, and the stars. Out of the Scions, Urianger is the closest to Lana, so when Urianger has to be secretive with her, she feels sad, but always forgives him in the end. After "An Ending to Mark a New Beginning", Urianger learns that Lana has taken up Astrology and becomes her mentor. During 5.4, they adopted a Roe infant and named her after the late Moenbryda.
  • Alphinaud Leveilleur
    • Lana and Alphinaud are very fond of each other. He reminds her of Larsa, a young lad back home in (her) Ivalice. Lana dotes over Alphinaud and finds him to be a very intelligent, studious, and charismatic young man but she often worries that he bears too many responsibilities upon those small shoulders. Nevertheless, Lana believes in Alphinaud's potential and always encourages him in his endeavors. 
  • Alisaie Leveilleur
    • Lana and Alisaie are also fond of each other. Alisaie is determined to protect Lana from any harm. As much as Alisaie loves Alphinaud, Alisaie views Lana as the precious big sister she never had and doesn't want Lana to be taken away from her. This makes Alisaie just a bit protective of Lana. Lana has taken note of this and appreciates Alisaie very much, and Lana reminds Alisaie not to push herself too hard and to remember to protect herself most of all. 
  • Papalymo Totolymo
    • Equally respected one another. Lana would even back up Papalymo whenever Yda (Lyse) was going in head-strong into situations that required thinking before action.
  • Tataru Taru & Krile Baldesion
    • Friendly terms.
  • G'raha Tia
    • Lana feels that she and G'raha can relate in the context of seeking adventure, enrichment, and learning about different realms and worlds. What Lana never realised (and still doesn't, to this day) was that G'raha held romantic feelings for her but never mustered the courage to confess. His feelings for Lana fade over time as he slowly falls in love with Flame Lieutenant Davaa. 
Cid & Co.
  • Cid Garlond
    • Lana adores Cid and is impressed with his vast knowledge of machinery and airships. She sees him as a sort of father figure, similar to how she viewed her eldest brother, Melekh. 
  • Biggs & Wedge
    • Friendly, neutral terms.
  • Nero tol Scaeva
    • Skeptical, but otherwise on friendly, neutral terms.
  • Haurchefant Greystone
    • While Thancred was her first love, Haurchefant was her true love. Lana at first found him to be a forward, lewd man but he would also make her laugh and his beaming positivity made her smile. Over time, she fell deeply in love with him and accepted his proposal to marry him. The pair made love the night before The Vault and were excited to tell their friends the news after they had rescued Aymeric. Tragically, their happily-ever-after never came to be. When Haurchefant lost his life protecting Lana from Zephirin's strike, Lana was heartbroken and devastated. To this day, Haurchefant still plays a big role in her life, even in death. Now and then, she has dreams where he is present, usually during times of uncertainty, and he gives her advice and encouragement. Lana has made it clear that Haurchefant will always have a place in her heart, so much so that she and Aymeric named their son after him.
  • Ysayle Dangoulain
    • They did not start on the right foot. Lana initially saw Ysayle as a threat, and Ysayle saw Lana as a naive girl with no free thought of her own. When the two came together as a team, Lana began to see the world with a new perspective and understood Ysayle's cause, seeing her as a valuable ally. Lana would have liked to be closer friends with her, had it not been for Ysayle's noble sacrifice on the way to Azys Lla. Lana honours Ysayle's memory by keeping an ice bracelet in her possession from when they fought each other at the Akh Afah Amphitheatre. In the future, Lana and Estinien give their son a middle name after their fallen ally.
  • Estinien Wyrmblood
    • Estinien and Lana are the opposites of each other. Needless to say, they did not get along at first, with Lana thinking Estinien was too harsh, rude, and borderline brute and Estinien finding Lana to be too soft and naive for a Warrior of Light. As the adventure went on, the two learned to tolerate each other. It wasn't until Sohm Al that they learned to respect each other. As of post-Dragonsong War, Estinien and Lana have been on good terms. [INSERT 5.5 & 6.0 STUFF HERE] In the future, they have a son named Diarmuid. 
  • Aymeric de Borel
    • TBA but in the future, they have a son named Haurchefant (Argent).
  • Lucia Junius
    • Lana looks up to her and ultimately thinks she's a great person and admires not just her strength but also her loyalty, chivalry, and charisma. They are on friendly terms.
  • Count Edmont de Fortemps
    • Because of her betrothal to Haurchefant, Count Edmont considers her his daughter-in-law, despite the tragic death of his son. Lana highly respects and adores him to the point of calling him "Lord Father".
  • Artoirel de Fortemps
    • Artoirel considers her his sister-in-law, despite the tragic death of his younger brother. Similar to Count Edmont, Lana highly respects Artoirel and refers to him as "Lord Brother".
  • Emmanellain de Fortemps
    • While she doesn't quite respect him to the same level as Artoirel and Count Edmont, Lana considers him family all the same, and the feeling is mutual on Emmanellain's side. He adoringly refers to Lana as his older sister (despite him being older than her), while Lana simply refers to him as "Lord Emmanellain". 
  • Leofard Myste
    • TBA but in the future, they have a son named Rackham.
  • Lyse Hext
    • While Lyse was under the guise of Yda, she and Lana got along wonderfully and became good friends who balanced each other out. Lyse was the brawn, while Lana was the brains (when Papalymo wasn't around). Fortunately, Lyse continued the bond she shared with Lana after revealing her true self to her. Lana has been one of Lyse's strongest supporters, seeing true potential in her and wholeheartedly believing in her cause. 
  • Zenos yae Galvus
    • There are very few people that Lana hates. Most times, she feels pity for the villains who cross paths with her. Not Zenos, oh no. Lana despises Zenos with her very core and she is disgusted by his obsession with her. [MORE TO COME SOON.]
  • Yugiri Mistwalker
    • Friendly, neutral terms.
  • Gosetsu Daito
    • Friendly, neutral terms.
  • Cirina Mol
    • Lana and Cirina bonded well with each other through cultural exchange. Cirina taught Lana much about Mol traditions and Xaela history, and Lana taught Cirina folk songs from (her) Ivalice and the history behind them. 
  • Hien Rijin
    • Friendly, neutral terms.
  • Sadu Dotharl
    • Too rough, but respectful ally.
  • Magnai Oronir
    • Too scary, but respectful ally.
  • Ardbert
    • TBA
  • Ryne
    • TBA
  • Emet-Selch
    • TBA
  • Lyna
    • Friendly, neutral terms.
  • Cerrig
    • TBA