


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Taken by http://toyhou.se/95995.ren-fletcher


Jeremy Alexander Roy Bigglesworth.

Jarb is from the Bigglesworth Clan, it's a small clan but everyone is very friendly. The Fletcher Clan of Jarb's dimension, which is very large with a lot of connections, was always a close ally to the Bigglesworth clan and would always help if the smaller clan were about to fall apart and couldn't fix their own problem. Jarb didn't care much about the clans though, he always sought out what would be fun. He was always exploring in areas he didn't belong, even if it were another nations territory. Most of the nations were peaceful and didn't mind other nations citizens in their territory for selling goods and visiting friends they had made, but a nosey boy looking for adventure was pain to deal with. He could usually sneak in and out without getting caught, but there were a few times he was caught in the act, and countless more where he could enter and leave, but was busted when his scent was discovered across the border.

His curiosity was what got him his best friend. He had wandered into one of the neighboring nations, which was home to Squirrels, and accidentally ran right into Rose. She tried to politely make him leave so he wouldn't get into trouble. His bold attitude made her laugh, there was no way he wasn't going to get caught and he didn't care. They began to write letters frequently and visit each other. They tried dating for a while, but they realized they were much better friends and stayed that way. Jeremy was the one who first found out Chase was from the Fletcher Clan when she stumbled into her family's original home world. She fell out of the tree she was sitting in when she discovered that she had kin in the world she stumbled upon. Jeremy laughed heartily at her shock, even though he didn't know that much about her. Eventually, he came to the dimension she created along with his best friend, Rose. Jarb and Rose became friends very quickly with Chase's silent nephew, Ren. The three became very close and would hang out together whenever they got the chance.

Likes: coffee, adventure, minecraft, humans (he thinks they're adorable), and new things Dislikes: staying still, borders, and writing