Nasima Bell



3 years, 4 months ago


Bio | Deviantart

But we won't go down, (hey) we'll be up in the clouds
Name Nasima Bell

Age 22

Birthday 27th October

Gender Male

Species Squirrel/Kingfisher

Height 160cm

Orientation Bi

Job Delivery Man

Alignment (Main Power) Wind

Affinity (Sub Power) Plasma

Hometown The Plas’mo’dome

Current Residence Kindleton



On first impressions, Nasima looks like a rebellious child, his bright colours and scruffy tail a stark contrast to his personality once you start talking to him. He presents himself in whatever he happens to be wearing, usually just something comfortable and stretchy in case he needs to make a delivery. He doesn’t much care what others think of him, though he can get a little embarrassed about his lack of shoes, before he can explain it means he can use his powers better.

He always tries to do the right thing, and if someone’s in a spot of trouble, he’ll try and lend a hand. That said, he’s not the type to put his tail on the line for a stranger, and he’d much rather someone else step in instead.

Nasima would probably say his greatest strength is his ability to work to deadlines. He often flies for hours at a time to get in especially urgent deliveries, so it’s a pretty accurate strength.

His greatest weakness from his point of view is his reluctance to make new friends. He’s not antisocial, and he’s actually quite good at talking to people, but he feels no inclination to keep friendships going or trying to start new ones - stemming from his time living a nomadic lifestyle that never saw him staying put for long. He won’t admit it, but his other weakness is mornings.

Though Nasima tries to be an overall laid back guy, when someone pisses him off he is quick to anger, and will usually either attack or flee quickly when this occurs. On more than one occasion, if the recipient of a package refused to pay or insulted Nasima, he’s thrown deliveries into rivers, puddles, and, in one particularly sour moment, off of a cliff.

Finding he had the Wind alignment came as a relief to Nasima, as he grew up watching others with wings being shunned for having wings without the ability to fly. He wouldn’t give up flying for the world, and even if given the opportunity he wouldn’t change his alignment.

Flight and music are his main hobbies, which is why he loves his delivery job so much. Soaring through the sky while listening to music and occasionally making new songs by humming to himself, that’s a perfect day for him.

If a situation is his own fault, he’ll try his best to fix it, given that the second party is reasonable and respectful. If the second party is insulting, violent, or just an all around ass, then Nasima will go out of his way to cause them inconvenience, even if the initial situation was his own fault.

Nasima’s a free spirit, and while he would never want to be a leader, he doesn’t particularly want to be a follower either. He delivers packages because he genuinely likes travelling and seeing new places, and if it helps others on the way that’s a bonus. He doesn’t do it out of any obligation to his delivery company, and feels no loyalty or subjugation to anyone in power there.

He much prefers being alone. His ideal situation is just a long flight with some gentle music, and he’d hate if anyone tried to join him. Tasked with contacting someone, he’d rather just send them a text, but if he really had to he’d prefer to talk face to face.

Nasima really doesn’t much care about politics, as far as he’s concerned if he can cross borders to deliver packages then everything’s A-OK. Honestly if asked to name who’s in power, he really couldn’t tell you. Gets his news second hand from people reading aloud the newspapers he delivers sometimes.


  • Flying
  • Exploring
  • Windy Weather
  • Music

  • Rain
  • Wing Injuries

  • Nasima - (Arabic Origin), meaning "breeze, fresh air"
  • Notes about design.
  • Info about skills.
  • Maybe some trivia.

He’s a friendly delivery boy who tends to keep to himself. He enjoys long distance flights alone, and listening to music as he soars above the world. This boy loves going fast, but knows that sometimes you gotta pace yourself and take things as they come. Morning deliveries are a nightmare, and anyone who forces him up early in the morning will be dealing with a very grouchy squirrel. Prone to falling asleep instantly on any available flat surface immediately after finishing a long delivery.

Nasima doesn’t like water. He’s a bad swimmer, though he can use his air jets to propel himself through it. His wings weigh him down, and his long hair hangs in his eyes when it gets sodden. Not to mention the packages. No one wants soggy packages.

Nasima doesn’t have a lot of personal items, but he often carries his delivery bag, paper and pens for writing letters, as well as his music player. He also brings the small stuffed squirrel fox his mother gave him before he left Mistflock.

Main Power - Air Jets

Element(s): Wind

General Concept: Can shoot strong gusts of air from feet, hands, and mouth. This can be used to provide a speed boost, usable in flight, on land, as well as in water.


- can be used as speed increaser

- can be used to knock opponents off balance

- can be used to dodge quickly

- can be used to cushion landings

- can be used to amplify voice (when used from mouth)

Weakness to Opposing Element: Due to the density of metal, air jets have a weakened force on it. This extends to difficulty using the power on heavy objects, and therefore creates a weight limit when used for speed boosts.

Strength against Opposing Element: Cloth element powers stem mostly from tendrils and fabrics, and these light objects are easily blown around in the air jets. At higher levels of power, these air jets can even rip the fabrics to shreds, acting like a mini tornado.


- drains energy quickly (only usable for short trips)

- can only be fired from hands, feet, and mouth

- can only be fired from two places at once (eg both hands, or a hand and a foot)

- effect weakened when there's nothing to push against (eg best when taking off, or pushing away opponents, but weaker in an open space)

Sub Power - Small Zaps

Element(s): Plasma

General Concept: Can create small bursts of electricity, useful for jolting himself awake in long flights. Can also be used to create a lightly electrified tail for zapping people (only lasts a couple of seconds).

How this Power is considered a Sub-power: Can only create very small, barely harmful bursts of electricity, around twice as bad as an electric shock from static electricity. When used to electrify his tail, it quickly drains him and makes him tired, as a result he can only hold it for a few seconds. Additionally, this power requires direct contact.

Weakness to Opposing Element: Earth acts as a grounding material, neutralising the electricity entirely. It acts under the same principle as a grounding cable in electrical wiring. The ground-element user is unaffected by the attack.

Strength against Opposing Element: If the opponent has the water attribute, this power conducts more easily and therefore becomes more painful to the recipient. If multiple water attribute enemies are in contact with each other, or standing in a body of water, this effect can carry over to multiple people, though the effect weakens exponentially with distance.


Nasima was born in the Plas’mo’dome, to his mother Anita, a squirrel with the Plasma alignment, and his father, Senki, a kingfisher with the water alignment and the wind affinity. Their ways of life didn’t meld fantastically, Senki often leaving on trips to the Water Capital, leaving Nasima and Anita alone in the Plas’mo’dome.

Schooling was difficult for Nasima at a young age. He had large bright blue wings, yet no ability to use them. The only power he seemed to have was the ability to produce slight electric shocks, a weak ability that left him mocked and left out from games and friendship groups.

One day, Senki left on one of his usual trips, and never returned. Nasima was distraught, he was only around 8 at this time and hadn’t even gained the ability to fly so he couldn’t look for his lost father. At the child’s insistence, Anita took him to Wavecrest in an attempt to find her husband. Once there, they saw neither hide nor hair of him, until they asked at a local police department and learned that a Kingfisher man matching Senki’s description had washed ashore a few days prior. After staying in Wavecrest for Senki’s funeral, the pair moved to Mistflock, hoping they could start anew and leave both the bullying of the Plas’mo’dome, and the pain of losing Senki, behind them.

Once at Mistflock, Anita found a caretaker for young Nasima, feeling that he should have another winged adult in his life. It was this caretaker, a kind young man called Casio, who helped Nasima find his Wind alignment, and finally fly on his own two wings.

After gaining the power of flight, Nasima spent more and more time in the air, both with and without Casio. He quickly caught up to the skills of his peers who had been able to fly for longer, and he finally felt like he fit in at school.

However, before long he wished the skies were a little less crowded, and once he had finished schooling at 18 he told his mother he wished to move away from Mistflock, and start his own life somewhere new. Anita admitted that she missed the Plas’mo’dome, and the family she had left there. It was a tear filled separation, but the family went their separate ways, with promises to write to each other and visit often.

It was at this time that Nasima spent a year or so travelling the world, going as far as his wings would take him in every direction. He kept his word and sent letters home regularly, telling his mother all about the things he saw, from Failway Isle to the Colossal Mons. He subconsciously shied away from the larger patches of water, and only even skirted the edge of the Mutiny Sea.

Eventually he decided to settle down in Kindleton. It wasn’t too far from Anita and the places he grew up, but it felt like his own place, and that was enough for Nasima. It wasn’t long before he found an advertisement for a delivery boy, and what better job for a lover of flight like Nasima.

He still keeps in contact with Anita and Casio, letting them know whenever he travels somewhere new or meets someone with stories of far-off places.

Plot History

When the Rainbow Corporation arrives, Nasima is likely to be napping, and his brain won’t immediately process what’s happening. He’d be hesitant at the request, but it’s a chance to travel somewhere new so he’d agree so long as he could send a letter to his mother and Casio to let them know where he was going, as well as letting his work know so they wouldn’t send a search party for him.

