Elaine (WIP)



3 years, 4 months ago


Elaine Sullivan

Elaine, El




December 20th

Dragon Kin

Next Water Vessel





Elaine is next in line to become the Water Vessel -- the Water Dragon’s next body. Because of this role, she has very rarely left the water temple at all, such as the time she and Nina snuck out together. She is very naive when it comes to the world outside, almost all of her knowledge of it coming from books. As such, she has almost encyclopedic knowledge of the most random things, such as the lunar cycle of the two moons.

Most of the people around the Water Temple are much older than her, and she also gets treated differently because of her status as the Water Vessel. She can be pretty socially awkward and shy, and can be fairly dense and has a hard time thinking outside the box, but her magic prowess is unmatched. Her and her older brother Isaac are some of the most powerful mages at the Water Temple, Elaine probably more so because of her ability to use Light Magic.









  • sweets
  • reading
  • fish


  • olives
  • being alone
  • bugs

Elaine has a natural curiosity, partially as a result of being so sheltered. She wants to know more and more about the world around her, sometimes leading to her wandering off on her own when she really shouldn’t. She usually ends up dragging Nina along with her as she explores, and eventually, gets them both lost because of her bad sense of direction. Luckily, Nina always seems to have the place they’re at mapped out in her head, even if it’s a new place they had just ended up at.


In the Year 900 of Era 3, Elaine receives a letter from her dear friend Nina, who explains she is graduating to become a full fledged knight on the day of the Fire Temple’s Remembrance Festival -- a festival that honors the memory of past Fire Vessels. With the help of her brother Isaac, Elaine is somehow permitted to leave the Water Temple to attend. Word is sent to the Fire Temple about a special guest, and Elaine sets off on a small ship with a crew of the Water Temple’s finest Mages should things go awry.

When Elaine does arrive at the Eastern Outpost on the edge of the Blazing Isles, she is greeted by a shocked Nina and a bemused Sirius. The two girls have a short and sweet reunion, before Sirius reminds them that they need to escort Elaine back to the Fire Temple preferably before nightfall. The trio set out shortly thereafter, the whole 5 hour journey back full of comfortable conversation between the two friends, and they arrived back just as the sun began to set.

The rest of the night consists of a short audience with the Fire Dragon, where Sirius reports on the status of the mission and Elaine formally introduces herself to the Fire Dragon. When all is said and done, Nina shows her where she’ll be staying -- a room not unlike her own at home. It’s much nicer than the dorms the knights sleep in, even coming with its own bathroom. The two say their good nights, and Elaine almost immediately falls asleep upon laying down.

The next day, preparations for the festival are underway. Stalls are being set up for shops and games, and the sign up sheet for the tournament is put out. According to Nina, her father has been the champion of the tournament for the past 7 years, a very impressive record she plans to break herself. Elaine can only chuckle at that, as the feat seems nearly impossible. Nina is only able to show her around the village below the temple for a little bit, before being needed to help set up the small arena.

Elaine is left to explore on her own, and does so. She’ll probably get lost, but the village is small and if all else fails, just head for the large temple to the north. She visits the town’s inn and explores the area outside the main farm field, before finally ending up at the village graveyard. Looking around, she comes across a grave with freshly cut flowers. The name reads “Aster Sullivan,” a member of the Fire Temple’s Suliivan family. People with the last name are usually a part of the line that go on to become Vessels for the Dragons, such as Elaine’s own mother and herself one day.

Usually vessels don’t get graves like this, however, and their bodies are placed within the catacombs beneath their respective temple when the time comes. Their names are usually forgotten by the time the Dragon’s are done with the body. Elaine sighs, and when she turns is immediately spooked by Nina who had seemingly come out of nowhere.

Nina comments on the flowers, saying they must have been placed by Sirius. When Elaine questions why, Nina says it's her mother’s grave. She had died of Crystal Sickness and by now, her whole body must be crystal. The two stand there in comfortable silence for a long while, paying their respects to the deceased before leaving when night falls.

The day of the Remembrance Festival arrives, and Elaine explores it to the fullest, dragging Nina along with her. They go stall to stall, looking at the expensive weapons and trying their hand at some obviously rigged games. This continues on for a while, until finally the bell rings signaling the start of the tournament. They quickly hurry over, Nina nervously heading over to the person in charge of it. Elaine cheers for her every step of the tourney, watching her easily mop the floor with a fellow apprentice, then go up against an outsider by the name of Leone.

The two seem to talk about something, but it's so quiet Elaine cannot hear them. It seems to weigh on Nina, however, as her face changes from one of excitement at fighting an outsider to one of… anger? She can’t tell. The proceeding battle between the two is harsh, but somehow, Nina pulls through and continues on.

With one battle left to go, Nina’s final opponent is her father, Sirius. Another tense match, but it almost looks like the two are having fun. It's very close, and just when Elaine thinks Nina has lost, she gets back up with a smile on her face. Somehow, someway, Nina wins the battle against her old man. Elaine was awestruck at this, having not really thought she could end the 7 year streak Sirius had had. claims victory over the tournament.

With the tournament over, the ceremony for the knight apprentices begins. Elaine watches as Nina and her fellow apprentices are given the title of knight from the Fire Dragon, swearing their loyalty to the god. With a cheer from the crowd, the Fire Dragon begins delivering a speech, talking about what it means to be a Dragon Knight, and the importance of the job. Half way through, however, things take a turn for the worst.

The outsider Nina had fought, Leone, rudely interrupts the Dragon’s speech, having thrown some kind of black javelin at the god. It barely misses, only mere inches away from their throat. Sirius rushes to the Dragons side, and the god starts yelling at the outsider who dares disrespect them like that. All heads turn towards the foreign knight, who stands next to a masked man in a long cloak.

The masked man spouts something out about the gods being body stealing thieves, ultimately useless to the world and cruel. Parts of the crowd murmur at this, then he suddenly disappears then reappears beside the Dragon. Before he can try anything, Sirius draws his blade and strikes at the man, only just cutting the tips of his hair. He shouts at the dragon to flee, and tries his best to keep the masked man there before Leone suddenly joins the fray.

NIna and Elaine rush up to help Sirius, but just as they reach him, the masked man darts off after the Dragon. Distracted by Leone, who seems intent on fighting him no matter what, he shouts at the two girls to go after the man. Elaine nods at his command, but Nina seems hesitant. Before she can argue, Elaine pulls her by the arm and runs back towards the Fire Temple. She can only hope this is the right thing to do.


  • She knows how to play a few instruments, namely the trumpet and piano.
  • Her favorite spot in the Water Temple is the library. She’s read at least half of the library’s collection.
  • She can be pretty dense, leading to Nina’s attempts at announcing she likes her to get more and more ridiculous.
  • Her favorite color is yellow, because it reminds her of the sun.
  • She has a terrible sense of direction and gets lost very easily.
  • She is proficient at magic, able to use water, light, and neutral magic.
  • In an RPG, her class would be Black Mage.


Isaac Sullivan [ Elder Half-Brother ]

Older than her by 3 years, Isaac is pretty protective of his baby sister. Maybe a little too much. The two are close, but recently Elaine feels like there's this barrier between, keeping her from knowing what's going on inside that head of his.

Nina Pyreson [ Very Dear Friend ]

Nina became Elaine’s first friend when she visited the Water Temple as a child. The two are very close friends, and Nina seems to have a giant crush on her, but Elaine hasn't noticed. Nina acts as a balance to Elaine’s melancholy, being a pretty cheerful and excitable person.


Next in line to host its soul, Elaine and the Water Dragon are not close. Any talk between the two is purely pleasantries. After all, why get to know the person who's body you'll inhabit? They won't be around after that.