Scooter Dufort



3 years, 4 months ago


  • Scooter Dufort

  • age 26
  • gender He/Him
  • origin New York
  • role Scout
  • theme

Competitive • Stubborn • Positive


"Think fast chucklenuts!"

Scooter is an overall rough team player. He takes his job very seriously and takes failures personally. He loves a good competition and finds it relaxing when it's a friendly one. Scooter is quite stubborn as well, if you beat him in something he'll practice it until he's ready to challenge you again. Despite his aggressive plays, he's actually quite a positive person. He tries his best not to bring negativity to the table and tries to lighten the mood by joking around. However, this sometimes leaves him with bottled up negativity that he has no way to vent unless it's pried out of him. He appreciates his fellow mercs, but he still can't bring himself to fully open up around them.

"You look like easy pickin' pal!"

height 5'9

build Skinny

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Bisexual

dob April 24th

sign Taurus

origin New York

occupation Mercenary

mbti ESFP

demeanor Bold

relationship single

primary Scattergun

secondary Crit-a-Cola or Winger

melee Boston Basher or Stock Bat


  • Aliens
  • Fish
  • Being praised
  • Dancing


  • Embarrassing himself
  • Cats (He's allergic)
  • Sentries
  • Liminal Spaces

Growing Up

(EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IM BAD AT WRITING) Scooter grew up with his mom in New York. Growing up without a dad he had to basically be the man of the house for a long time. Through this he learned it's better to be positive for his ma than to let her know anything was wrong. From a young age he's been fascinated with stars and aliens. You could often find him on the roof of his house just staring up at the sky. He had a hard time focusing in school and had some troubles with other students. He'd often get into fights and come home with black eyes. To take his mind off of it all he'd just run. He'd run for hours when he'd be released from school until he was absolutely beat by the time he got home. Eventually he joined a track team for obvious reasons. For his 21st birthday he received a gun from his mom, a scattergun. He never knew why she'd given him that, but she said it was just for safety reasons.

Merc Life

Scooter didn't know what to do when he got the job offer. He'd barely used his gun at that point, but seeing how much it paid and wanting to support his mom, he accepted. After being sent off and settled into the fort, he met three mercs there. A soldier, a spy and an engineer. His training began immediately, the soldier taught him to shoot and aim properly and rambled to him about the ways of war. The engineer taught him about using teleporters and dispensers. Scooter took an instant liking to the engineer, he was very kind to him and felt comforted when he was around. The spy however was another case, he seemed to keep his distance when he could. Scooter tried to talk to him one in a while but he seemed uninterested. Eventually more mercs began showing up: a medic, a demoman, a sniper and so on. Scooter got to know them all, some tolerating him more than others. During battles he'd always scout ahead, getting who he can then coming back to warn his team about what he saw. No one really expected how aggressive he could be when fighting, his movements often left his opponents dazed and he'd strike at any opportunity he could. Scooter loved teaming up with his fellow mercs as well. Combining their strengths was exciting and always gave him a good challenge. Even when they were working together though, he'd say "I bet I can score more than you!" As the years went by the spy began warming up to him, he started to be able to hold actual conversations. They became very close very quickly. It was more of an unspoken bond as no one really commented on it and Scooter never thought anything of it. They'd always be assigned to scout ahead together. Eventually the spy had to confess something. He had been the one to recommend Scoot to be a merc, along with this he was Scooter's uncle. He had no idea where Scooter's father was and he seemed just as torn about it as Scooter.


  • ☆ Scooter is argumentative and stubborn when it comes to the battlefield. He tends to do what he thinks will be most effective even when it's probably a bad idea.
  • ☆ He bottles up his emotions which leads to outbursts from time to time.1>
  • ☆ Despite his positive demeanor he can easily start fights with his fellow mercs.
  • ☆ He hates embarrassing himself, he wont take failures and humilation lightly

Dallas Crawford

[ relationship ] WIP


General Juice

[ Friends ] General Juice is the soldier that trained Scooter when he first arrived. The two bonded overtime and Scooter would go to him whenever he was feeling bad. Juice was the first one to call Scooter "son" on the team and it stuck among the older mercs. Scooter and Juice will still go do target practice together. Juice's dog Apples also loves all the attention Scooter gives him, those two can usually be found napping together anywhere.


Butch Alias

[ relationship ] WIP

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