


3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

redoing this profile soon?



Do we get what we deserve
or do we deserve what we get?



Nothing you can do could hurt me now

Nothing you can do could hurt me now

  • NamesakeCardinal sin of vainglory
  • SpeciesFeline (Anthro)
  • GenderFemale // N/A
  • AlignmentLawful Evil

You hand me a shovel and
expect me to dig my own grave


Vaingloria is a heartless soul cursed to roam the world with an undying broken body and one foot in the grave. Tampering with dark power corrupted her body, and the only way to relieve it was tearing out her heart and right eye. She is forever suspended in the state she was when this occurred.
No matter how damaged her body gets, it will remain functional. New wounds do not heal. A ligament in her left knee is snapped, so she always limps. She no longer feels the pain.


Invisible Enemies
by System 6


Vaingloria lived happily for many years until personal tragedy struck, leaving her alone and isolated with nothing but her lust for power and status. Tormented by the world around her and unable to live with unending feelings of nihilism and delusions of grandeur, she turned to supernatural means in her hour of need.

Vaingloria's soul was plagued by the darkness of her trauma and her humanity. Recognizing this, she sought to exorcise it, to free herself of her pain. She realized too late how dire a mistake this was. To save herself from total decay, Vaingloria was forced to cut out the malignant darkness before it overtook her entirely. She tore out her own heart and eye, cursing herself and the circumstances that pushed her to this. Regardless, the process was successful, and she emerged from the wreckage half dead and half alive. Vaingloria had killed a part of herself, but by doing so she cut those bonds holding her back.

Quick to embrace her new power, Vaingloria channeled the residual darkness into a sword set called Lunisolar. The Sol sword harnesses the fiery passion of the soul, and the Luna sheath gets its power from the cold void of oblivion. The ecliptic blades heighten the wielder's abilities given they can control it.

However, the transformation did not come without consequence. Vaingloria's body was suspended in time, preventing her from dying nor healing. She perpetually walks the line between death and life, perceiving both the world and the echoes of souls. She is effectively a lost soul, sentenced to walk the earth for eternity.


Vaingloria is suspended in this state forever. She cannot die, though she can be hurt.

Most of the time, Vaingloria cannot feel pain. This is not a hard fact and it does not mean she cannot perceive textile stimuli, she can still feel things, but she is completely numb to the pain of injuries.

Minor injuries don't affect her. Hidden by her fur are numerous scratches and scrapes which she cannot feel. Bruises also are completely ignored.

Major injuries on the other hand are more of an inconvenience, namely the ones received before the suspension state.

  • A ligament in her left knee, namely the inner ligament (MCL), is fully fractured, and a piece of her kneecap bone remains freefloating, irritating the surrounding tissue. The ligament was beginning to heal but no longer can. Walking is immensely difficult, yet possible, albeit with a limp, aided by the lack of pain post-suspension. It occasionally gives out entirely, resulting in a state where it's impossible to walk lasting for a few minutes. Braces hardly affect this injury, so she tends to avoid them.
  • With her right eye gone, her depth perception is severely affected. This is however bolstered by her gained sixth sense, allowing her to perceive the echos of souls. This is a blessing and a curse; souls cannot lie, and her world is illuminated by the remnants of past actions, however, this can be greatly confusing, and is completely ineffective on inanimate objects and soulless constructs. For these she relies on her poorly functioning left eye, and the echolocation of other souls.
  • Her body does not circulate blood and thus does not exhibit warmth.

Vaingloria is not indestructible by any means. Injuries sustained do not go away, she is stuck with them permanently whether or not they are impediments. Thus it is paramount she protects her body so she avoids a much more gruesome fate than she already has.

The suspension state comes with infinite stamina and no sustainability requirements; it can be just as useful as it is a hindrance. She is superhuman, but she must be eternally vigilant.


Vaingloria_but_vergil_lmao.png image by MakoZilla


Vaingloria is a striped feline of unspecified breed. The fur on her head is slicked back. She is relatively tall.

The corruption has caused the following changes:

  • Her eye does not properly perceive light, but it does see through to souls. The design around it is caused by the corruption.
  • Veins surrounding her heart cavity still contain dark power, and thus show through the fur. Surrounding fur is also tinted dark around her chest and remaining eye.
  • The magic has also corrupted her arms, giving them a dark splotchy pattern. Her claws are embued with it, giving them their color. This does not carry over to her legs.

The skin on the right side of her face is torn to the point where it shows her teeth. The eye is gone. Like with her chest, the wound is exposed yet does not bleed.

The bumps and bruises of daily life don't heal, so Vaingloria uses bandages to hold joints and dysfunctional bones in place. Some act as splints, others as braces. Regardless of whether or not these are worn, her body remains functional, albeit weak; they are mostly used to appear more normal or provide mechanical stability.

Her chest and ear are adorned with decorative safety pins, fully embracing the fact that multiple unclean piercings on any body part can't hurt her.

The darker red belt can be strung through a loop on the Lunisolar sheath, allowing the swords to be worn.

All other accessories are purely cosmetic and can be mixed and matched, aside from the always present shoulder cape. She has a variety of different outfits worn in different circumstances.

Other // Meta Info

Vaingloria is the closest thing I have to a sona. She isn't a direct reflection of me (unless you believe I'm an immortal corrupted soul which may or may not be wrong), but many tidbits of her character are.

She would be the character to use if I were to be represented through one of my characters. Despite my username being Battalia, the dragon is not to be used in this way.

Vaingloria is the hopes and dreams of a long dead consciousness embodied by the degenerate it has become. It has no future. This is all that remains.

PK reviewed her on livestream. She was critiqued as "extremely edgy" but, since she delivers on that intentional goal, he did enjoy her.

She, like me, nibbles on dry spaghetti when bored.

try to name the three characters whom share the same name that had influence on her story I'll wait

Don't try to change someone else
You'll just end up changing yourself