


7 years, 28 days ago


This is Jorkal, the mail Amphibioidius Plasticus.

His body has no real bone structure, only solidified masses inside that make up a semi-bone like structure. Each joint can swivel in any direction needed, and he can contort his body to any shape. The goo coming from his body can also indicate his well-being. When he's healthy, it is orange. But when he is sick, it becomes pale.

On their home planet, Jorkal and Cesar were best buddies. You could say Jorkal was his personal little pet, they played fetch together and enjoyed each other's presence. But, when Caesar was chosen for a mission to an unknown planet, he had to leavee Jorkal behind. Jorkal became very emaciated, his plush body not retaining it's normal stature and mainly gooping in a corner releasing sickly yellow fluid. But, when he found out that there was a rescue mission to return Caesar to the home planet after a crash, he stowed away on the ship in order to visit his best friend! Upon arival, Jorkal began immediately sniffing out his companion. He searched high and low, till he finnally found his friend! Signaling where the ship was kept, Caesar denied their return saying, "This place, Earth, has so much more potential than anything! It can maybe save our planet! I would love to stay and investigate further into whether these plants around can help rejuvinate our dead and dying planet and make it lush again!" And so, the two began setting up homes there in Earth, trying to fit in and keep low, until...

(Pffff I dunno, I was thinking of a cool mini-comic with these two :0 )