


3 years, 7 months ago


full application:



Trait1 > Individualistic: He only needs himself, and doesn't require the help of others. He can and will be independant, and he considers this the most reliable way to get anything done.

Trait2 > Caring: Those he is close to are worth only the best from him. He spares no effort in making the ones he loves happy. It’s just that gaining that status is a bit… difficult.

Trait3 > Loyal: If you somehow manage to gain the trust of Cryoseism, he will be loyal to you almost beyond belief. For once he knows someone is truly worth the effort, he will do his best to keep them in his life.


Trait1 > Fight Loving: The core reason behind everything he does is to improve himself and get stronger, especially through fighting. He relishes the struggle between opponents for victory. Socially acceptable or not, his will to fight comes first and foremost almost always. The outcome of the battle is irrelevant, so long as he learned something from it.

Trait2 > Calculating: Cryoseism takes the time to see how strong whoever he meets may be. For, if they look like a worthy opponent, he might want to spend more time with them. But if they’re weak, he doesn’t want to waste any more time than necessary. Still, one could consider this “judging a book by its cover”, which isn’t always the best thing.

Trait3 > Distrustful: He doesn’t trust anyone or anything easily, and is always on his guard when it comes to others. Even those being genuine must expend quite a bit of energy to be trusted.

Trait4 > Deceptive: Oftentimes, he will hide his dislike of something through a mask of friendliness. And while he has almost always started with this facade, the mask will always fall eventually. It’s just a matter of how quickly one can manage it.


Trait1 > Impatient: He has no time for those who are below him. If he doesn’t think you might be able to provide a challenge or have anything useful for him, he likely won’t stay very long.

Trait2 > Irritable: Despite the fact he can hide it well, if you aren’t worth anything to him other than information, he will easily find himself annoyed by other dragons.

Trait3 > Cold: If you haven’t proven that you can be of value to him, or somehow made him care about you, once he’s got what he needs, he has no problem tossing you aside.

LIKES >> List 3 or more


-His family


-The cold


-The darkness

-Letters to and from his family

DISLIKES >> List 3 or more

-Threats to his family

-Being weak

-Failing to protect those he loves

-The diplomatic stage(wants to skip straight to the fighting)


> The truth about what happened on that night(excluding Freezerburn)


> Failing to protect his family


> To constantly get stronger

> To find someone also trying to constantly grow stronger

> To finally take down that dragon he met all those years ago