


7 years, 1 month ago



Meaning “ Whore, Slut”

Species: Audino{Mega} ( Swanna genetics).

Type: ???

Sex: Female.

Relationship status: Widowed.

Sexuality: Demisexual (male-lean; Panromantic).

Personality: Generous and affectionate,Jezebeth is sympathetic to everyone she meets, believing everyone is special in their own way. Jezebeth is a very patient person, having grown up around a large amount of bigots in her life. She does have a deep disdain for people who judge others solely on appearance. jezebeth is known for being a thoughtful and graceful girl and has devoted herself to helping others whenever in they are in need. Just because jezebeth is a sweet woman doesn’t mean she isn’t opinionated. She can be quite sassy and blunt with her way of speaking. She has met many legendary pokemon and because of this enjoys sharing her stories. She has a huge weakness for sweet foods like cakes and pastries. she doesn’t seem to get along with other pokemon of her “parent’s” species.

Ability: Serene Grace

Birthday: February 24th ;; Zodiac - Pisces

Age: adult ( Unknown ).

Height || Weight: 3’ 6” || 40 lbs.

Moves:  Ask her

History: -Locked

Fun Fact: Jezebeth has two older “brothers”