


7 years, 1 month ago


Evolution 55% Complete


Meaning “Chief’s Son”

Age: 27 By human standards

Height & Weight: (Normally 3′03″ & 51.8 lbs)  3'0" & 45 lbs

Gender & Species: Male Sylvling (Sylveon/Deerling Hybrid)

Orientation: Bisexual

Relationships: TBA

Nature & Characteristics: Sassy & Somewhat of a clown

Ability: Cute Charm

Job: Traveling Salesmon

Moveset: Natural Gift, Draining Kiss, Secret Power,Tickle, Wish, Covet…

Personality: Fiery and Jovial, Cynfael is quite the character to be around and will shower anyone he finds attractive in with compliments. The hybrid cares not for what others think of his mixed heritage, he finds his special family beautiful and unique. Cynfael became a merchant to further his dreams of traveling to every region and seeing all types of other pokemon. He loves crowds and large gatherings of people which is why he’s currently got a little shop nearby the hotel. Cynfael loves to be in the spotlight and hopes to compete in a contest once he reaches Slateport city to register.

History: -Locked-

Fun Fact: Cyn is still in the process of evolving, due to this his look is subject to change. 

Fun Fact: Cyn has been to 4 regions

Cyn’s mother is a Pillar Leafeon. 

Pillar species made by @askkyubeon