


7 years, 1 month ago


Full name Mason Kyle O'Keeffe
Name MeaningMason is traditionally a French last name with Germanic influences used in the Middle Ages by stone workers. His parents choose the name Mason as it was the name of his great grandfather. The name Kyle means handsome. You can see why his parents choose that name.. The last name, O'Keeffe is an ancient Irish surname and is the anglicised version of the Irish O'Caoimh, from the gaelic word caomh,meaning 'kind' or 'gentle'.
Nick-nameBambi, Mas, fluff-butt, (ADDING MORE LATER)
Sexuality Gay
SpeciesCerviaur. A cervitaur is basically a centaur, but part deer instead of horse.
RelationshipHolter Plythom
Physical descriptionMason stands at 10'2, his deer body standing at 4'3 and his human body being 3'9. His fur coat is unusual when it comes to other cervitairs as he still has the spots he was given at birth. While many cervitaurs lose their spots 13 years after birth, a small percentage of the population don't, 0.9% to be precise. He has fluffy, light brown hair that is usually covering up the stubs that he calls antlers. This feature is common around the 0.9% who also have the white spots. His fluffy ears that sit upon his head fade into a darker drown before suddenly fading into white at the tips. He has bright green eyes, common among his species. He got his white and brown freckles that decorate his cheeks, nose and shoulders, from his mother's side of the family, along with his constantly red cheeks. He has short stubble beard covering his upper lip and chin. It is extremely common in cervitaur culture to be shirtless and is actually frowned apon to wear clothing. The only clothing that Mason will wear constantly, not including Holter's cabin, is a small bracelet made by Holter. When he is in Holter's cabin he can be seen wearing a large sweatshirt given to him from Holter. On his wrist, he has his soul mark that him and Holter share. His mark shows a gun covering naked tree's. He has built muscles through the labouros work that comes with training to fight. After he was done training, and he fled from his back, he maintained his muscle with helping Holter out.
PersonalityMason is unusual compared to his peers. He is more feminine physically and mentally. He doesn't take part in any of the cervituar sports and rather wanders off on his own. Because of this, he didn't bother making friends with any of the other cervitaurs. He is extremely curious on where, what, when, and how humans work. He wishes that he wasn't born a cervitaur, but rather a human. He often finds himself almost getting caught by humans. Since he had no one in his childhood, he is usually extremely clingy and protective to the people who get close to him. Mason can be quite awkward and he likes to keep his distance from people. He spends most of his time reading or watching the humans. He is oversensitive, allowing his feelings to influence his decisions.
LikesReading, sunlight, sleep, humans, Holter, cuddling, swimming, and board games.
DislikesHunters, his parents, sports, arguing, loud noises, conflict, and coffee. 
Fears/QuirksMason is scared of many things and is extremely skittish. In a conflict, he chooses to flee. He usually scratches his arms or picks at something when he is really stressed. He is scared of loud sounds mostly, so that includes thunder storms, conflict, etc. When there is a thunderstorm he usually runs into the nearest 'hiding space' which is a closet or under the bed. He can get apprehensive about the future, causing him to have panic attacks. 
BioMason was born into the Glengarriff herd when conflict was rising after the leader had died. Tension increased until finally a fight broke out between the males. After a week of fights and battles, one male claimed the position. However, he was instantly slayed by Maximus O'Keeffe, causing a upraise in his death. Maximus was banished out of the herd and territory once he confessed to the murder. Thus leaving Mason fatherless. His mother cared little for him, drowning in her own grief of her husband's banishment. Mason tried fitting in as her grew up, but he slowly drifted away from the other fawns. He was soon teased and bullied after all the other fawn's spots faded away. He spent most of his time laying down in a clearing he had found. There he would relax, bath in the sunshine and weave baskets for the herd. It wasn't until he was 15 when he saw his first human. It was a lost hiker. The cervitaur followed the man, observing everything about him. Soon the man found his way out of the thick forest, back into the small town. From then on, Mason spent most of his time hiding in the coverage of the forest, just observing the humans. He soon grew distaste of how his herd worked and the people inside it. He decided then that he was going to run away. He had no plan or idea of what he was going to do once he got out of the herd's territory . He soon found himself lost in the woods at night. He had ran most of the 5 days he was traveling. He had worry's about what was going to happen and where to go when suddenly his foot got trapped in a bear trap. He let out a piercing scream, waving his back left leg, making the pain worse. He wore himself out after an hour. He curled up around his injured leg, passing out. Holter soon found him in the morning. Taking pity on him, he woke the boy up, undoing the trap. He took Mason back to his cabin where he patched the boy up.
FamilyMaximus O'Keeffe (Father): Gone Kathleen O'Keeffe (Mother): Alive
Weapon He carries around a bow and arrow set when he goes out with Holter
PowerNone as of now
Mental and Physical disorders(Add name for spot and antler illness). Besides that, he suffers from anxiety.
  • Holter was a bit hesitiant about hunting around him at first because of his, well, deer part. However, Mason confessed that he does not care wether he was a deer or not, he wanted to be more human. He uses a bow and arrow set because it makes way less sound then a rifle would. 
  • Soul Mates exsist in this universe
  • I am trash
  • Okay, we are suppose to be talking about my baby...
  • I am still trash.