Blaze (Blue)



7 years, 18 days ago


He’s known to others as ‘Blue’ since he doesn’t have a name and his hair colour really stands out from the crowd. He was later named Blaze by the Captain. Blaze is a child of the xx race with mixed blood of a human. He was probably abandoned on the land because of that reason.

Blaze had a difficult childhood struggling to live day by day on his own, with a life style that he gets bullied on a daily bases and discriminated because of his horns, sometimes he would get hunted for his horns.... Naturally he turned to the dark path and started stealing in order to stay alive.

Like the xx race who live their life up in the sky, Blaze has always been longing to sail freely in the sky and escape from the slums. Being ambitious as he is, he swore that one day he’s going to make it happen.

Blaze is a very agile thief and is very good at what he does. He loves gold and valuables because he was poor and he would never want to be like that again. But despite that, he knows when to share when it’s necessary, he would be generous and giving to those who suffer in life without money because he sympathise them.

His weapon of choice is a dagger.