Pierce "Oleander" Vaga



3 years, 4 months ago


“Out of my way… insolent fool. You have no clue what I’m capable of.”

Name: Pierce Vaga

Age: 25

Height: 5’7

Pronouns: he/him

Role: mercenary/potion seller

Magic: potion making

Familiar: Nikita the Venus flytrap


A sadistic serial killer that takes great joy in experimenting with poison. Pierce acts like an unassuming potion seller on the surface, but people in the black market know him to be a merciless killer that tests his potions on human subjects. His cocky and cold attitude is off putting to many, but he couldn’t care less. Most people are beneath him.

He was originally going to be a regular doctor, but unfortunately, his life took a turn for the worse after his sister died. She fell ill after a close encounter with a dark magic cultist who placed a curse on her. She used to be a bounty hunter in order to make ends meet, but it proved to be her downfall in the end. Pierce tried to find a cure for her to no avail. She died in bed after he came back home with a potion she asked him to brew— shielding him from seeing her at her weakness moment. Something snapped within him that day. He never forgave the people that did this to her, and he could pick up her legacy as a bounty hunter. With his own twists, of course.

Pierce has trouble finding worth in other people’s lives. They’re all tests subjects to him now. Disposable. Not only does he kill the bounties he gets paid for, but he is no stranger to abducting innocents when he has a new poison to test out. He’s more of a scientist rather than a doctor now. With his incredible potion magic, he can create anything he wants with the right ingredients. He holds spite for anyone associated with dark magic. His dream is to kill those that are stronger than a puny cultist. One day, he wishes to kill a true dark magic user.

It takes a lot for someone to catch his attention, but it’s not impossible to do so. What will gather his positive attention is a completely different story, though.