


3 years, 3 months ago



Name Beau
Called Bea or Cherry
Age 17
Gender Female
Height 5"3
Build Slim
Race Thermin
Role Keeper of love
MBTI Unknown
Demeanor Loving and caring
Alignment Unknown
Theme Song link


  • Flower fields
  • Nikuman (Steamed pork buns)
  • Books and fairytales
  • Naps


  • Water
  • Spicy foods
  • Corrupted love
  • Hot weather




Beau is a very caring and loving gal, she almost always will and can care for anyone she meets or hasn't even met properly yet! she cares very much about others and is quick to help others at all times when she can, though sometimes this does lead her to get into trouble because of her loving nature even towards bad people.


Despite her looks of looking like a deva who would hate to socialize, beau very much so loves to socialize whenever she can! even with humans and others who aren't ferals, beau goes out of her way just to make herself a unique human form so that she can socialize with others! though sometimes her disguise isn't very well hidden.


Beau is quite oblivious to danger almost all the time, because of her very caring, loving and friendly nature, she's not aware of the dangers around her and is quick to try and befriend anyone and everyone she meets! including people who would want to sell her for money instead, though beau whole heartedly beleives that everyone is good inside no matter what.


Beau is a being seemingly from a whole different universe and world, as she comes from a place inhabitated by a land dwelling species called thermins but her kind is mostly called the Wordly trait thermins, though Beau is far much more than just having the worldly traits of these creatures and even is consdiered a god! well...demigod of course as Beau is nothing but a small apprentice of the god of love who has taken Beau under their grace and gave her the title as the Keeper of love, this, of course is a very important job as love is sacred and cherished and because of this, it is Beau's sole duty to protect he pure love of couples, crushes and more from corrupted love, or otherwise known as toxic relationships and love from couples and crushes that are not meant to be together, with Beau being the keeper of love, it is her duty to make toxic relationships and corrupted love and turn them into healthy and pure relationships in the world, though while her job can be fun and exciting, it does has it's downfalls as Beau is never allowed to interact with anyone, unless she gives up her title, because of this, Beau soon begged the god of love to let her socialize and make friends in the mortal world and since she wouldn't keep quiet, the god of love decided to bless Beau with the ability to shift her form into a human form so she could socialize while still being the Keeper of love, Beau was thrilled to know she could finally see the mortal world for herself and finally make friends. She took the form of a young teenage girl that almost immediately caught the attention of other men, while of course,being the Keeper again had it's downfalls, another downfall was the irresisatable aura Beau gave off that made men almost fall in love with her, only whome either have had corrupted love before or were too cold to love, were not affected but those who didn't have these traits, well...Beau quickly found that she needed to find a safe and quiet place to inhabit in to stay safe from all the men and boys chasing her, soon after this, Beau did find herself a quiet place in the middle of the forest, lush flowers and berries and plants of all kinds, she almost felt at home as Beau made this spot her home, a lovely medium sized cabin manifesting in the middle, fully furnished with dinnerware and forks, plates and more, a small garden of fruit and vegetables with flower pots here and there, Beau could finally call herself a home on earth as her next mission on top of being the Keeper of love was to make friends and more, and maybe even find love herself.! though...unfourtanetly, Beau quickly find out the hard way that making friends wouldn't be easy because of the fact; she wasn't able to hide her tail or wings and so Beau was often seen as a freak by the other teens and more despite her looks, even with the insults and more, Beau was determined as ever to make friends, always being loving and caring to those around her even if they weren't to her,but who knows? Maybe this is surely just the beginning as Beau has now set out on her new mission: living life.


Beau is very loving and joyful, she almost always has a smile on her face with eyes filled with curiosity at the sight of new things, her happiness is almost toxic with how she loves to spread joy and love around to everyone she meets! though..Beau can also be quite oblivious towards people who'd rather sell Beau for her beauty and traits rather than be her firned though somehow, Beau evades danger even when she is in danger but one day she may not be able to escape danger, though overall, Beau is a very loving, joyful and positive person towards everyone she meets or doesn't meet! she's always glad to have or make friends at every chance she gets.


When first meeting Beau, she quite quickly tries to befriend others with her caring and joyful self, always wanting to make a good impression as Beau will try her hardest to try and become friends with you, often trying to invite others to the forest for a friendly picnic or trying to make conversation with random strangers and more to try and socialize though this can be hard seeing her situation as being a freak within towns though she still tries her hardest despite Beau being quite linely now that she is in the mortal world, though if you're up with trying to befriend Beau and her ekotions and personality then she'll be glad to be your friend no matter what.



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

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