
3 years, 3 months ago


Gender: Male, He/Him

Ezio Auditore da Firenze was born in Florence. Up until the age of 17 (human years), Ezio lived a life of luxury amidst the members of the Florentine noble class. When Ezio was younger, his older brother, and friends of the family fought another viscet pack and. Just before the fight, Ezio received a gash down across his lip (Which is on the other side of his face)which scared, and will remain for the rest of his life. Ezio remained unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when he witnessed the hanging of his father and two brothers. Forced to flee his birthplace with his remaining family members - his mother and sister - Ezio took refuge in the Tuscan town of Monteriggioni, at the Villa Auditore. After learning of his heritage from his uncle, Ezio began his Assassin training and set about on his quest for vengeance against the Templar Order, and their Grand Master. He's currently traveling around the world, flirting with female viscets on his adventure to find and kill the Grand Master.

Ezio was raised as a young Florentine nobleman. He was brought up without knowing of the Assassins' existence, or of his heritage. A seducer of women and a playful man, Ezio possesses acrobatic skills far beyond those of his peers, barring his brother. Initially, Ezio allowed his emotions to get the best of him, and would get mad at mainly anything. Now he can control them to some level, but is still fiery as ever.