


3 years, 2 months ago


-Trans (FTM | He/him)

-STYLISH maned pawed-hoof lambicorn

-Claude hates spiders. It's not the legs or the gross greasy hair on their big butts. It's the eyes. They could be anywhere. Watching you while you sleep. While you eat. While you poop.

One day, Claude was out for a nice walk with his favorite beige sandals on. He was quite enjoying the warm sunshine on his fur when he heard an awful squish. Cautiously, Claude looked around. And around, and around. He got a little dizzy but eventually figured it was under his shoe. Dread filled him as he lifted the sandal. There it was. A smooshed black blob. He instantly knew what it was and just yeeted the shoe across the sidewalk and into the road where it was promptly run over by a passing car. After glaring at the driver who was laying on the horn, Claude carefully scampered to the shoe, lifted it up, and stuck his arm far away from him. It was horrid. Getting a stick, the lambicorn poked the blob to make sure it was dead. It was of course. Especially after the car...He made a face as he went back home with one less sandal. Two, actually. He burned both of them. Then something hit Claude. Hey, those bugs aren't actually that strong. He shrugged and felt much less terrified of the arachnids. The burning of the sandals also helped.