Pâmela 🚨



7 years, 7 days ago


Design info

The General | The Regicide | The Righteous


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas interdum, quam a lobortis aliquet, lacus nulla congue ligula, in mattis erat est vitae ipsum. Pellentesque posuere nunc vel porta dignissim. Donec eu rhoncus est. Nulla imperdiet, dolor quis semper dictum, dolor urna pulvinar magna, sit amet viverra lectus nibh sed elit. Cras pretium pharetra arcu, non faucibus quam rhoncus vestibulum. Donec arcu nibh, convallis eu placerat ut, accumsan non massa. Etiam in eleifend ligula. Fusce tincidunt tellus sit amet placerat congue.



Newidiyr, Timoni sunor evos pho Central sogael ild ar pho fasrp fesm ef celpicp waph pho Lesph whach ar... Lep adoin. Timoni ar tsebibny lep pho borp datnemip bopwool pho 12, bup hos .


1116446?1519419691Eleak [ Bestfriend ]
     Childhood friends, when Pâmela applied to become part of the Guard, Eleak followed shortly after, but was dismissed. Instead, he focused on his studies on philosophy and sociology, which later garanteed the title of State Secretary, about the same time Pâmela was nominated Chief of the Royal Guard, a Colonel.
     After Pâmela was kicked out of the Guard for badmouthing the Royal Family, Eleak stayed by the King's side, to gain his trust and provide information to the other side, he was the first to join the Generals Carvalho and Bossuet in the Revral.
1215943?Celia Bossuet [ ex-wife ]
     After a very troubled divorce for political and a huge personal loss on both sides, Celia and Pâmela would team up years later as the first Heads, gathering allies for the removal of the royal family of the government. During Revral, they have reconstructed a little of their broken relationship, but never to return what it once were, for now Pâmela had remarried.
     Nowadays, the consider eachother as friends and equals, as both are Governors in their own Regions, but except for the yearly meetings, they don't interact much anymore, now that there's not a throne in the government.

1116444?1505870727Rosalie [ co-General ]
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque. Nam dapibus nisl urna, in fringilla ante gravida id. Pellentesque ut laoreet quam. Donec vulputate risus arcu, a porta eros aliquet id.


Name || Pâmela Carvalho
Species || Human
Gender || Feminine
Age || 55
Origin || 2137-6, North
Affiliation || 12 Generals | Government
Flags || Transgender | Asexual | Biromantic
Occupation || Central's Governor
Family || Celia (ex-wife);
Martell (husband - presumed deceased);

PROMPT: Your OC stumbles upon a thing they weren't supposed to see and gets caught! What is their reaction?

"Pâmela?!" The familiar voice spoke a few feet behind the woman, startling her as she stepped away from the semi-closed door. Shit. "What are you doing here? If the Guard sees-"

Pâmela shut his loud mouth before Eleakcould speak any more. If the people in the room had heard them, the King would have their heads by the evening.

You won't tell anyone that you saw me here," She squeezed her hand on the Secretary's face as she whispered "and I just might have a spot for you and your sweetheart in my club. Listen to them"

Eleak nodded and approached the door, the voices grew louder with laugher, and the Secretary recognized the King's among them.

"Who are these people with him?" Eleak whispered. There were at least 6 of them with King Adome, all of them with very different accents.

"Gringos, I don't have their names, but they were talking about the Aliance and the king wants in, they talk about of putting the people through Triage," She watched as the color vanished from Eleak's face. Both were still small children when the last Triage happened, but the country still carried its scars "Don't you doubt me now when I say he's wicked. He and all the kings."

"No! No, no, we can't have a Triage. Ross is with child" The secretary stepped away from the former Colonel and the door, the guests still oblious of their peeping "She won't make it with child. What do we do?"

"I should do it, but the Family won't trust me after the Queen pulled my eyeball off." Pâmela took one of her earings and taped in on the side of the door. "So what you will do is play the King. I'll explain later, Celia and I have everything planned, but if a Triage is comming we'll have to rush."

The third General rose with fear in his eyes, but Pâmela hoped he would not back out on this, for his wife and child's sake.


Color ref:
Hair | Eye | Skin | Fav color


Freckles on face. Yes, even tho she has dark skin.
No eyebrows.
Gauged ears.

3) Scenes Important enough to be here, Not important enough to be on the backstory

Layout by Jayden