Trade unwanteds for sketches!



3 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


The OG unwanted character for sketches!

Not to be an asshole, but please try to come up with your own ideas instead of doing the exact same I’m doing. You can do similar things but please try not to do exactly the same, thank you <3. If you don’t do the exact same, I would be happy to add you here to help you advertise!

Consider checking out this lad here! They’re doing semi-chibi fullbody sketches!

Art Samples:

So I’m looking for any unwanted characters anyone might have.

I might keep a few, but ones I don’t like much will be added to my page adoption center where they’ll definitely be free. I have a huge soft spot for horse characters though. I’m also using this as an opportunity to find characters to make fursuits out of or add to my OC lore.

Feel free to just send them in without saying anything other than who you'd like. If marking them, please mark them as "trade" since you're trading them for art.

character quality does not matter so much. Anything you don’t want, hand it over. You might be thinking about deleting one, but there might be someone out there who might want them! I’d also like to improve my art by doing this! I might lower it to less characters eventually maybe!

Note: By donating, you agree that I will have full ownership of the characters received the moment you receive your sketch(es). In a way, it’s a trade. You are trading your characters for art.

Characters will remain hidden most likely or will be in a separate folder if I’m adopting them out. They will be added to the adoption center page.

Per 3 characters sent, you will receive a headshot sketch. If you send 2 and later on add another, you’ll receive the headshot! (Can be worked around). 

If you send character(s) on your first time, you will receive a headshot sketch. It does not matter if it’s only 1. It will still get added to the list. if you send 3+ On your first time, you’ll still get the original sketch and the first time sketch. This is just a little freebie as a thanks.

You will be added to the counter/list for each character donated!

You can find the queue and characters sent count here.