Amber. (amber. kawaakari.)



6 months, 16 days ago



Apprentice of Thunderclan.

Age: 8.

  • Starting Age: 8.
  • Starting Date: 1/1/24.


  •  Demi-boy.


  • He/they.


  • Demi.


  •  n/a.
  • No shipping characters under 6 moons, and no apprentices entering romantic relationships.



  • n/a.


  • ask.

A strong yet slender tan-cream built. Legs made for running, pelt made for show. He’s got certain long fur at the beginning of his legs &&  the large side of his chest. Long fur continues at the top of his head && the back of his neck forming a mane of sorts. His paws, end of flank, && tail fade into an interesting mix of dark && light brown which could only be described as a rocky road.

A cream chocolate point purebred siamese.

Banned Traits:

  • Selective Mute.
  • Purebred.
  • Former outsider.
  • Chronic condition.


  • Right-forepaw anklet with sea glass bead. To be earned.

✦ Personality


  • Dutiful. Curious. Independent. Intelligent.
  • A studious cat who always seems to be asking questions. Seems to know && understand more than he lets on.


  • Observant. Businesslike. Ascetic. Modern.  
  • A cat who seems to treat others as associates.


  • Grim. Blunt. Hot-headed. Closed off.
  • Frustrated when things go wrong, this cat tends to fall silent && stew in palpable anger.


  • Camping.
  • Weaving.
  • Seashells.
  • Ice.
  • Snow.


  • Ocean.
  • Chatter / small talk.
  • Crowds.
  • Intimacy.
  • Bird beaks.


  • To be deputy, later, Leader. Any goals before that are on a made-to-know basis.
  • Start a miniature farm.
  • Became famous.
  • Learn to swim.
  • Learn to weave.


  • Bears.
  • Fire.
  • Losing limbs.
  • Loud noises.
  • Being confronted.

Pre-Group History…


Dekase was selectively bred to be a show feline, though not for those with solid pelts only. Taken from his mother at nine weeks, said mother hardly showed interest in his being besides keeping him alive. After all, she’d gone through this song & dance before. Having kittens then having them taken - Dekase being her last litter before retiring.

Dekase spent most of his time working, performing & learning tricks, taking time to learn the tricks of the trade before being sent off to his new owner. While he would’ve preferred going outside, that seemed to be out of his hands. Even when swapped hands, his owner only kept him inside to groom & practice with before sending him off to his new lifestyle.

While he won a few meager contests, after a bout with another cat - insults were thrown at his look & his lackluster performance. What performance, he hardly did anything, but stand, his owner opted to retire him early. What a shame, what a waste of money! He drew that cat's fur right out, cats were violent! His owner simply didn’t understand. From then on, his owner spent most of his time looking for a new better cat & Dekase… Did nothing. Waiting for a chance to slip out, the window broken somewhat, the screen torn from damage. Dekase fled, opting to use his meager ‘play’ skills to hunt & live.


He spent most of his time traveling after, stumbling across a strange feline who seemed to understand his plight. A strange ‘loner’ they called themselves. Dekase spent some time with this person who helped him act like a true wild cat.

As much as a former show cat could, his markings were quite noticeable & a loner could only do so much. Shark, instead, offered to show him to a path where they’d take in cats of his caliber. They’d at least be impressed with his combat, loners did have to make sure they could survive. Eventually, Shark had to bid his farewells despite Dekase’s question. Why not come with them? Shark only laughed & asked for the cat to come to visit if he was ever near… oh - & maybe pick a new name, whatever Dekase was… hardly fitting a cat trying to enter those ‘colonies.’

De-- He nodded, offering his word to come visit. Once he settled in these ‘colonies.’ Braving hills he eventually came across a strange brown cat. Must be a colony cat.


Though he was defeated in the following scuffle he made no complaint about the pain & rose himself onto his paws, ready for another fight. The other cat laughed, & more paw steps approached. More felines. De-- He refused to stand down however, if these weren’t the clan cats that Shark had spoken of -- then likely he’d die here. At the paws of many rogues who drove felines off their territory. What did they see? A simple house cat who traveled out of his home? Who was dropped off?

He said nothing - the brown feline was impressed with his combat, had he trained more perhaps he could’ve won, the brown feline seemed to murmur their approval. For a ‘kittypet,’ he was strong, he had the aptitude of a warrior-to-be. Ready to fight && protect what he deemed was worth blood over. Though, that said, simple inklings of what could be were difficult. At eight moons, he was already quite old for most apprentices, forced to train hard to catch up. Combat wasn’t everything an apprentice was: loyalty, blood, sharing tongues, the want to live…

Admittedly, he struggled at first, having difficulty talking to other apprentices -- perhaps following his leader -- in his mind, his mentor -- a little too closely. A pawstep out of place, they could kick him out after all! Despite this, the routine… the wants, daily training, even going into the camp clearing after dark to train himself. The moonlight shadows his companion. What did the humans call it? His ex-human -- shadowboxing. He’d catch up. He’d be the best - an outlier, but he’d be the best.

✦ In-Group History…

nothing yet!

✦ Family Line

  • Father: Russel, kittypet. Presumed alive.
  • Mother: Mimi, kittypet. Presumed alive.
  • Caregiver(s): Gai, former human.
  • Littermates:
    • Unknown littermates from other litters.
  • Mates:
    • n/a.
  • Kittens:
    • n/a.

✦ Stat Points













Review our sheet on stats HERE.

✦ Extras & Trivia

This section is optional, but encouraged for character development!

Character Alignment:

  • n/a.

Personality Type:


  • n/a.
  • n/a.

Fun Fact(s):

  • Amber is autistic: low to medium support.
  • Amber has a strong build due to performing tricks as a show cat.
  • He used to have an old rabbit plush that was his security item, this now has been replaced with a nice piece of sea glass. Reluctantly.
  • Amber detests the feeling of bird beaks underneath his paws.

Voice Claim: 

  • Long walks.
  • Seaglass.
  • Rabbits.


  • Feeling of bird beaks.
    Broken routine.
    People breaking their word.


  • hi.