Benji Geraldson



3 years, 3 months ago



Name: Benjamin "Benji" Grant Geraldson II

Age: 39

Gender/Sex: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Does it Matter, darling? He's in a committed relationship, unless you're just asking for the night... ;)

Height: 5'6

Weight: 145lbs

Birthday: December 24th (Yes, he is a Christmas Present, and so is his arrival)



♡ Amiable - When he wants to be, he's quite friendly!

♡ Charismatic - Really knows how to talk to a room, and get people to like him in the moment.

♡  Sympathetic - He's always willing to lend a listening ear.

♤  Aloof - He's almost... untouchable. Like solid teflon.

♤ Frivolous - Ditzy, and hm.. vague!

♤ Petty - You will rue the day you piss him off.


🍫 Chocolate! He's very glad he runs a company full of the stuff, it's always on hand and easy to find.

🍫 Traveling! Who wants to stay in one place all the time?

🍫 His Wife! He wouldn't have married her if he wasn't madly in love with her. What kind of asshole do you think he is?


🍫 Responsibility - He pays other people to care about the little day-to-day things he doesn't wanna deal with.

🍫 Messes - He has maids to handle anything dirty! 

🍫 Yelling - At him or otherwise, if you raise your voice for any reason... he likes you less.


Benji was the only child of Benjamin Geraldson the first, and was raised to take over his father's chocolate company. He rebranded it when he took over at age 17, right after his father retired and his mother died, and met the woman who would be his wife in Nigeria during a small tour he took as a way to boost brand recognition. He ran into Fayola again three months later, and asked her if she'd like to see the world with him. Thinking he was the strangest little white man she'd ever met, she agreed. Two months later, they were married, and by Valentine's day the following year, Fayola was pregnant and Sweetistic was doing fantastically sales wise. Really, his life couldn't get any better than this.

So Benji and Fayola tried to raise their kid, they did. But Aeron was a strange little thing, and didn't seem to feel anything, though Benji did respect Aeron's choice to refuse gender. It was... something interesting at least. By Aeron's 6th Birthday, Benji and Fayola had arranged for the kid to live full-time in Seaford, Oregon, while they went back to traveling. Ten years later, it happened again with Nellie, but Nellie felt things too intensely and... well. Seaford was already taking care of Aeron, why not leave another kid with them? Daisy has been making sure Aeron passes their classes and does whatever they need to do, what's one more burden? She can hire more help if she needs it.

After the Benefit with Rose Corp, Benji broke it off with Kritanta's company. At Matthew's request, he stayed in Seaford and began the process of buying a new house. He found a cute little thing off the beach, overlooking beach from a cliff above. The real-estate lady who'd sold it to him had shown him cute pictures, assured him it was furnished, and promised it'd be a breeze to move into. 

And after he bought it, he found everything but the rooms she'd walked him through looking like a literal pigsty, with trash and broken furniture and animal droppings everywhere. Benji threw a fit to end all fits, began the process of renovation (after taking millions of pictures for evidence) and began suing the company that woman had worked for. She was out a job, Benji uncovered an entire slew of previous cases of the same problem, and the company was going under. Benji personally reimbursed anyone who came forward with stories of being screwed over, because he wasn't going to sit by while everything went down.

This does mean he's been incredibly busy ever since the benefit, but now that the renovation is done he and Fayola (who has been very patient with him, he loves his wife so much) can finally move into the new house.

Occupation: CEO of Sweetistic, a Chocolate Company


🍫 Extended Zodiac Sign is Caprius (Capricorn, Prospit, Breath) ((Maid of Breath: One who Creates with Freedom or Creates Freedom, A Maid of Breath would start out relying on others for their freedom and independence, perhaps being only able to go where the people they rely on go. In that way they might even rely on others for movement or getting around. When they start rising to their challenge they do a full stop on a dime and go ‘nah, I’ma do my own thing now, see ya never”. Just as easily as they went along with people, now they move and go their own way. They follow their own whims and fancies and make their own directions instead of floating along to other peoples.))

🍫 Does actually love his Wife, and their kids. He's just. Not cut out for raising them, and neither is Fayola. 


🍫 You know how Aeron is dumb? This man is why. It runs in the family. 

🍫 Used to have a working relationship with Rose Corp until breaking ties with them after the masquerade ball March-ish in 2021. Blamed Alexander's conduct and dissatisfaction with other mishaps by the company, but Benji cut ties because Matthew Baz asked him to personally. 

🍫 Still personally sponsors Matty's YouTube career

🍫 Is now aware that Charlie is dead :(

🍫 Is now aware that magic is real (how does he deal with this??) (Does not know Aeron is a magi, is not fully aware of the Seaford Magical Community)