


3 years, 6 months ago


Amber is a Pokemon trainer from Jubilife City in the Sinnoh region.
They are determined to disprove several poorly cited and less credible pokedex entries by going into the field to measure the pokemon and phenomenon themselves.
Their goal is to observe wild pokemon, collect data, and capture interesting pokemon to provide the basis for their hypothesis. They hope this will gain them enough attention or credibility to earn an internship with a pokemon professor.
Their partner pokemon is an Archeops named Avian.

HometownJubilife City, Sinnoh
Partner PokemonArcheops

Amber's interest in Pokemon research began thanks to their father's work with fossils in the neighboring city of Oreburgh. They loved seeing the bones of ancient pokemon and imagining what those creatures looked and acted like.
Once their father traveled to the Unova region for a conference in pokemon archeology, and returned with a gift for Amber. A beautifully preserved feather fossil.
They had seen many bones, shells, and footprints before, but nothing ever as delicate as a feather. This quickly became their favorite fossil in their collection. Their father told them to take care of it, since it may be important for new technologies that were emerging in the field.
Right around their tenth birthday there was exciting news, a breakthrough in technology from Kanto that would allow pokemon fossils to be analyzed like never before! And in incredibly rare scenarios, perhaps even brought to life using traces of DNA. They were thrilled to learn that the Oreburgh Mining Museum was working on installing this very technology to further their understanding of pokemon fossil research.
The very day the scientists got everything up and running, Amber sprinted home after school to grab their favorite fossil with the feathered plumes and bring it to the musuem in Oreburgh. Having kept it in fantastic condition, they were able to revive it into the "first bird pokemon," Archen!

Once they had a pokemon of their own, Amber became fascinated with learning about not only Archen and how it may have differed from what was predicted about it, but other pokemon too.
They read all of the information on pokedex entries they could get her hands on, and even observed local wild pokemon. They loved reading about pokemon and then seeing it for real in the wild, such as shinx's nervous glow and the bickering of a group of starly.
One day they spotted a wild luxio while playing outside, which was an uncommon sight! They looked up luxio's pokedex entry as soon as they got home. There was all sorts of interesting behavioral information about how they communicate with electrical pulses, and can concentrate electricity in their claws that she found interesting. But one factoid caught their attention more than the others, "Upon encountering an opponent, this Pokémon prepares for battle by  extending its claws, which can put out 1,000,000 volts of electricity."
Out of curiosity, they looked up how much electricity that was exactly. "That's more than high-voltage power lines!?" They were stunned, and terrified. That pokemon could still evolve and get stronger than that!
They continued their hobby throughout school, occasionally finding new and extreme pokemon facts along the way. By the time they were graduating and deciding what path to take next, an interesting news piece came out. Many of the credited "interns" cited in various pokedex entries had been children at the time the information was recorded. Within some circles there was suddenly doubt that the information was accurate, while others debated that if there had been errors they would've been found by now.
Amber, having found many discrepancies within the pokemon database throughout their life, suddenly had found their new trajectory.

"I'm going to fact-check the pokedex!"


  • Analytical and thorough
  • Skeptical of claims that don't seem to have enough evidence (in their opinion)
  • Talkative, could discuss topics of interest forever.
  • Wants to find the path of least resistance. They would rather scrap a plan and start over than implement something difficult.
  • Weak in terms of spontaneity or on-the-fly thinking.
  • Low stamina, gets tired quickly.
  • Confident, not afraid to state how they feel. Also not afraid to admit they were wrong.
  • Insists on wearing protective goggles and gloves when handling any pokemon with a poison typing.
  • Incredibly cautious around electric type pokemon, nearly to the point of fear.
  • Has a burn scar on her right wrist from when a Pachirisu bit the old model of poketch she was wearing and the battery exploded.
  • The tape measure they keep for measuring pokemon often gets tangled in their bag so they will wrap it loosely around their arm to prevent this.
  • Has Opinions about various pokemon researchers and their methods. Do not get them started on Cara Liss. You will be there all day.

Avian the Archeops:
  • Amber's partner pokemon, and their first pokemon as a trainer.
  • Originally revived from a fossil as an Archen. It took many years of care before he evolved.
  • Laid-back attitude. Avian was not trained for pokemon battles and so participates only when necessary.
  • Easily discouraged from fighting when things don't go his way.
  • Clever, able to find his way into things he's not supposed to get in to. He learned how to open cabinets and doors. If you keep pokemon treats in your bag, watch out.
  • Has bursts of excitable energy, likes to run around.
  • A poor flyer. He's better at running than flying, and needs a running start to get off the ground.
  • An excellent jumper. Can leap up into trees or cross large gaps or obstacles.
Avian knows the attacks: Ancient Power, Pluck, Agility, and U-turn