Dorian McAllister



3 years, 4 months ago


He/Him - 7'5" - just your local gentle giant

☆ kinda looks like he could beat the crap outta someone but honnestly hes just a gigantic softie whos pretty friendly. he always speaks in this low and really soft voice and handles literally everything with utmost care and gentleness. hes really kind and highly empathetic

☆ works for the fhevarin gang. he honestly hates his job but he needs the money and shelter :(

☆ he doesnt have that many friends since hes more of a lone griffin, it can get lonely at times

☆ he wont hurt a fly unless hes tasked to or if it means he needsto protectsomeone from said fly; nonetheless he still doesnt like the idea of hurting people even if he lives in a world where its kill or be killed

☆ more info tba