Romeo Carwyn (Cupid)



3 years, 3 months ago


"Despite his theme, he is incapable of love"

male / also known as "Cupid"
Romeo's camera has controlled him for as long as he can remember.

- unnaturally pale. his blood flow is awful
- he's been told he has nice eyes
- his daily activities consist of shooting photos, selling them, and traveling. he hates staying in one place for longer than he needs to. always on the move
- a little very dead inside
- Romeo doesn't like to attract much attention to himself, he's very quiet. despite this, he can be quite stubborn, in the sense he believes he can fix everything himself
- despises music. it makes his brain waves go ~wacky~. this might be his camera's fault (ironically, he has a nice voice)
- has very shaky, damaged, and irrevocably crooked hands. deeply scarred and cut. they're always heavily bandaged, but he doesn't remember what happened
- he sometimes wears a red scarf Rose gave him when they were kids
- corduroy enjoyer

Romeo hasn't always been this way; it wasn't until he found a camera one day that schoolmates say made him change. he was declared missing only one week later.

Romeo's camera has the ability to steal the heart of anyone he takes a picture of. when a person's photo is taken, their heart is trapped inside its film until the victim finds true love. he is— put simply— a thief of hearts. Although his victims are few, he and his camera have caught the attention of a small, dangerous little party made to detain items like his. Romeo has been their target for several years... unknown to him.

if he is separated from his camera for more than 24 hours he will experience withdrawal symptoms for unknown reasons (seizures, hallucinations, weakness, sensitivity to light, irritability etc.)

Ritt Momney - autonanon
Son Lux - Dream State