Insects (Race)



3 years, 7 months ago


Insects are the dominant race of The Seed. 

They are highly intelligent, adaptable and capable. Insects were the second sentient race on this moon, but they were so brurally efficient that they quickly became the dominat race. They are not aggressive towards plants, but a few ones look down on them. Insects are way tougher than their clorophylliac worldmates™ as they need less sleep and food, are not dependeant on sunlight, they are stronger and reproduce faster, resulting in racism against the plants. Most technological progress was achieved by them and some are not ashamed to show that, expressing themselves as the "superior race".
Some plants assume that it won't take long until Mother will keep them at bay once more.

The society of insects is widely spread. Every type of bug imaginable can be among them, however the mixed breeds become more and more common. Hive-living insects usually stick to their hives, tho.
Their community is very similar to ours, they have jobs, hobbies, go to parties, have friendships, relationships etc. Clothing is usually a question of culture, it's usually used for it's warming properties rather than covering the body.
Relationships between insects and plants are not unusual, tho more racist bugs would see it as a "waste".
Since their enviroment is still quite untamed fighting is still a very common thing. This counts for both; protection during travels and among each other in case of "different opinion syndrome"
Most Insects can fly, some of the bigger specimens became too tall for their wings tho.
Even tho mother is not the one who created them or gave them sentience alot of bugs honor her as their god.