Walter Emerson



3 years, 4 months ago


Walter Emerson

23 | 5'3" | ??? | O-


Spoiled - Bratty - Hostile - Sadistic - Charismatic

Walter is basically an entitled prick. Spoiled at a young age, Walter almost never takes "no" for an answer, and can become aggressive if someone is getting in the way of his wishes. Walter can and will fight you if you so much as dare criticize his paintings, as he thinks they're masterpieces, every single one of them: Nevermind the fact that all of them depict relatively the same thing, and the paint used smells...kind of metallic. Walter can also be very sadistic, giving people a false sense of hope and security before pulling another trap that kills them out of nowhere.


Born into a rich family, Walter was basically set for life: Great education, never a worry about finances, the whole nine yards. He decided to invest his time and energy into becoming a painter, and did in fact have the talent for it: Many were in awe at the mastery Walter had in painting. Eventually, he made that his career, and moved out with his paint supplies.

But there came a problem: While he did impress people with his artwork (and many sold at high as hell prices), he was running out of money. The supplies became too expensive to replace, and his gig was making too little to compensate for it. In Desperation, he turned on himself and used his blood to paint. It worked for a time, but the habit was getting much too dangerous for him, and he knew it. He had to get the cheap paint somewhere, and unfortunately he wasn't cutting it anymore.

He'd have to get it in...less than legal ways.

Soon, rumor spread of a killer on the loose, who's victims were drained of their blood, which in turn was used to paint their final moments and sold to the highest bidder. Others started to notice the odd smell coming from his recent works. His manor became rather dangerous to enter, filled to the brim with traps designed to kill, and odd grooves on the floor meant to collect blood for painting.

Many have dubbed this killer "The Painter" for his use of his victim's blood for his paintings.

He is still currently at large due to the high risk of trying to arrest him in his own manor.


- Someone shove this fool into a locker, please.

- Has been arrested once or twice on suspicious ties to the murders, but was able to pay his own bail due to being...well, rich as hell.

- May or may not have worked with the mob in dirty work in exchange for paint supplies. No confirmation on that one.