


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Solaria

Age: 2700

Profession: High Priestess


Gender: Female (She/They)

Species: Capri-maid


Voice Claim: 

Theme Song: 

Personality: Solaria is a rather reserved capri-maid. She's very kind to those who come by her temple to pray and partake in festivities when the season is around, but those who live at the temple and study under her guidance will tell you how distant she used to be. Unlike when she had first arrived at the temple, she is now very warm and bright.

Backstory: Solaria was born and raised in the Temple of the Rising Sun. It was tradition that on the day of your coming of age ceremony, to take a eternally-burning candle from the sacred alter and bring it to the highest point in Destiny Isle. Unfortunately for Solaria, that same day a horde of Capri-maids claiming to be from the rebellion raided the temple and burned it to the ground. The oracles and priestesses urged Solaria to take her candle, as it was the middle of the night, and hurry down the cliff to get help. The priestess ran as fast as she could, slamming into tree branches and rocks, but eventually she made it to the town at the base of the cliff. Solaria sought help from the first Capri-maid she ran into, which luckily happened to be a more than capable, legendary adventurer, Tynne. Tynne easily scooped up a weeping Solaria in one arm and onto his shorse, rushing back to the burning temple. Even though they had gone as fast as they possibly could, by the time Tynne and Solaria had returned, they were watching the sun rise over the ashes of her home. Solaria had sat among the ashes long after Tynne had left. She thought the adventurer had left for good, but she had come back with food and water for the young priestess and encouraged her to take her candle and finish out her coming of age ceremony. Solaria took the advice and finished her ceremony. Later she went on to join a new temple, far, far away from her first home. Somewhere, up on that highest point, her candle continues to burn, the last remnant of a place that used to be.


Likes: Perfumes, the goddess, children, 

Dislikes: The rebellion


Relationships: Tynne (friend?)


Miscellaneous: - She knows people have tried to ask Tynne about her. Solaria is grateful that A) Tynne is very hard to find, always on an adventure. And B) When asked, Tynne refuses to say even a single word. Instead choosing to masterfully guide the conversation to another topic

- She's a priestess, but given the chance she would kill a rebellion member in cold blood

- The temple of the sun burned down when she was 19