99centsoda's Bulletins


Posted 3 months, 2 days ago by 99centsoda

Option for giftcards/wishlist instead of USD?

Posted 6 months, 9 days ago by 99centsoda

Do you/would you buy adopts/commissions this way?

1 Votes I have and I continue to do so
0 Votes I have and will not again
15 Votes I have not but would do this
3 Votes I have not and would not
0 Votes other (comment)

cross-post from sales account to get some addt'l feedback:

hello all, I have been looking at numbers and such for sales  regarding adopts and comms and I have reached my cap for the year as far  as income goes (which got lowered from $20k to $600 LOL)

anyway I am still in limbo waiting for SS to likely deny me so i can  reapply with a lawyer and all that jazz and so I cannot have any more  gainful income

ppl online who are also on disability i have seen offer their  services in exchange for anything other than real money, so I figured  I'd float this as an option because I do like making designs, it's fun,  and has been very helpful in keeping my head above the water what with  medical expenses and all that but I can no longer do so as I await to be  denied because yay America

Just wanted to get some thoughts if this is an option people are at  large comfortable with, whether this is an Amazon card to help buy  essentials like pet food/litter and stuff and help Loof as she shoulders  all of our finances or frankly because America's disability goes off  the 'if you're too sick for school you're too sick for games' it would  be nice to be able to buy something for myself every now and again too

adopt account plug

Posted 7 months, 13 hours ago by 99centsoda

Been a hot minute since i plugged my sales account but I do have a place what where I sell adopts and whatnot so if that is something that interests u you can check out SodaSales where I have some stuff up! Price range tends to be from $15+ and most of my adopts include a lil chibi pagedoll!!!

Additionally, I'm thinking of maybe setting up a patreon just as a little $1/month tip jar for now but maybe in future offer discounted commissions or pre-release adopts there or something idk!

a quick thanks ( ; ω ; )

Posted 8 months, 7 hours ago by 99centsoda

just wanted to toss out a big ty to everyone who's got a commission/bought an adopt recently, while it's still nowhere near a check from a traditional job it's more support than I have ever gotten before and I am very grateful for everyone

thank you for helping me keep my head at least somewhat above water, I was able to buy stuff for myself when I didn't think i could do that ever again

Much love <3

I have a public Trello now!

Posted 8 months, 2 days ago by 99centsoda

For both keeping myself organized as well as for people to take a peek at, I have created a Trello! It'll have labels for stages, revision requests, ect as well as what platforms I've taken the comm on. Check it out if you're interested! Also linked on my profile (also can I say i love the tools, due dates, reminder emails, color coding, it's *chef kiss*)


Goals for the new year :3

Posted 8 months, 4 days ago by 99centsoda

This is silly i guess but idk something about the nature of bulletins makes them feel like cute lil journals

I have some damn goals for 2024, going easy on myself here

Major Goals (woah):

  • Stream more, wanted to stream ''''streamable''' games that won't alienate or w/e but atp i might as well stream mtg since i play that a lot along with whatever random crap i love to play
  • Animate something, could be a blinky gif, could be something more complicated, just something!!!!!!!!!!!
  • make at least 1 song since i have acquired fruity loops

updates n stuff

Posted 8 months, 4 days ago by 99centsoda

Hello everybody! Hope ur having a nice January so far despite it all

Just wanted to post a quick bulletin in regards to the mini chibi comms, they'll go live again once i finish 2 other commissions I need to catch up on, my FND has been worse than usual regarding flareups (as im typing this its hard to even move my arms :') ) but after that they will be live again but with a longer turnaround time as I've noticed I cannot commit to a 48 hour window with  my health and the demand both taken into consideration. and after chatting with some fellow artists I'll also be bumping the price a bit to $5 instead (it's half my regular flat chibi com price)

thanks for reading!

I see a lot of other people doing this and it's very cute! 


Updates + Chatter + Ect

Posted 9 months, 22 days ago by 99centsoda

Hello everyone!

December is almost here, hope ya'll have been having as least of a stressful November as possible. holiday season is rough between obligatory spending and obligatory time with people we might not want to spend time with

As ya'll know I'm on VGen, taking Comms there! Got my first one and I'm very excited :D looking to add charm commissions and things like that on there as well

I'm also looking to start streaming on twitch! You can check out me channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/meowdy_howdy

December is also my birth month! My birthday is the 16th, soon i will wave 26 goodbye and say hi to 27, also treatment for my FND will start then so here's hoping things will get better from here! After the hour and a half mental health intake I'll have to do on the 10th which uuuugh not looking forward to unpacking all that shit but it is necessary >.>

wishing everyone a safe and happy end of the year! Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Yule, (sorry if I missed any!) to those who celebrate and a lovely december to my secular folks who don't celebrate anything

I'm on VGen now hip hip hooray

Posted 9 months, 27 days ago by 99centsoda

Check it here if you wanna toss me a follow and/or commission me :3 https://vgen.co/99centsoda

Art is my only source of income atm so even a follow helps cuz I need 10 to get verified and whatnot

ty for reading and have a nice day!