99centsoda's Bulletins

Revamping some bios

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by 99centsoda

So the code I was using for the less developed characters I liked a lot but....unfortunately whenever I edit the HTML it just breaks so I can't update things or edit them without doing it all in one go and that sucks so I'll be gradually updating everything to the code I use for the foxes and marion and miriam and such. Things might look a little funky and unfortunately until they get more developed they will be pretty barren!

Will be working 5pm-6am the following morning shifts for the next couple of months with the exception of 4pm-1am on mondays plus fridays off. I'll either get a lot more art done or a lot less lmao! We'll see, it's honestly a pretty damn chill shift cuz all i'm doing is monitoring an overnight network upgrade so i got a dude at the grocery store installing new network equipment and cable while i report how it's going every hour or so in our project management software aka maybe 15 mins of actual work every hour of the 12 i'll be working. Permission to do whatever i want during those times too so i'll either be drawing or forum games or workin' on bios or reading ^-^ lookin' forward to the break and after i get refreshed on how to do these i'll be training loof how to do them! so yea it'll be nice.

Also building a pc now, i have a super swanky keyboard that i'm stoked to use, got my CPU, RAM, and storage and my case is on the way! have the motherboard and water cooling picked out as well, my case comes with the fans :> all that's left is a power supply, graphics card, and a monitor!!! 

Im 26 whoag

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by 99centsoda

It’s my birthday today, I’m 26! Officially over the “early 20’s” hump and into the “late 20’s” which is scary for some reason! I feel like im not very accomplished for someone my age :,3 but I’m here! And that’s something to celebrate I guess. Im going out after work for drinks and then tomorrow Loof and I are gonna get dinner!

the flu got hands

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by 99centsoda

i got the flu, REAL BAD like ive been bed ridden since sunday evening bad, i think im finally starting to get better?? i hope? how has everybody's week been?


Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by 99centsoda

This is going to be word salad most likely so pls bear with me. Been in a weird funk that's partly seasonal affective disorder partly mental health issues that permeate year round regardless of the horrid setting of the sun at fucking 4pm jesus christ. Anyway, I've come to the realization that I don't really like my art, nor my characters, nor the act of drawing or creating. I buy commissions because I don't have to go through the effort of making the picture myself and failing horribly at it. My ideas are either poor in the first place, or poorly executed to the point where it's practically the same thing. My art is unoriginal, my character designs are lackluster, while yes I can make my hands and brain move to make a facsimile of something that may pass as somewhat acceptable I hate it. It's joyless. It's unoriginal and i find myself embarrassed and ashamed of both my past work and whatever drivel my hands will produce if I try to create. I am so far behind peers who are the same age than me I feel like my time cultivating a meager level of skill I have wasted and I'm disappointed of myself. of course, I'm not trying to catastrophize, I've just taken a step back and am simply stating what I think is the truth after stepping away from creating. I've realized I don't miss it. Chibi art is an easy way to make money, and that's it I guess. Can't really be bothered with the rest of it.

Tbh idk if anybody even gives a shit why I haven't been posting art/character stuff, or been in the fourm games. Nobody cares I presume! Which is fine, I can't even bring myself to care.

To those I owe responses to, I'm sorry, I'll do my best to produce something worth reading.


Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by 99centsoda

hi hi!!

I've seen others posting these, anybody wanna link characters? Doesn't matter if we've written together before or not, if it was just from forum games, whatever!! Links are fun!

Sanctilae MYO Event thing

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by 99centsoda

U can get a myo for this CS if that’s ur thing! They’re cute :3 

Sharing this to get the uncommon myo haha