AbstractMayor's Profile Comments

chulip liker??? 👁👁 could i link our chulip sonas together?


AAAA Sorry I've been kinda inactive here--! Shore, why nyot? Go for it, be free, go wild, become linkable--


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aaah I'm glad you like them!! Also thank you very much-- I wish you luck on your journey to motivation mountain! And happiness island! And anything else you may need! :-3c

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omg thank you so much for those favs!! ;w; -watch-

no probs! Your characters are all very cute!! owo

hi!! my friend sockanadruhou on dA commissioned like a hundred times from u to get art of my characters and tbh i know i should thank them but u are so kind and i love ur art style Qq

I made u a small drawing bc i didnt know which ocs u use but i think this one u do



Oh my gosh!!! This is such a happy surprise!!! Thank you so much!!!
This honestly made my day!! Your art style is so cute, Pip looks like a baaaaby!! (/)o 0 o(\) !!!!
Make sure you thank sockanadruhou lots and lots too, okay? You're both such blessings seriously i'm gonna c r y TTwTT

yeah !! i did :0c im glad u like it btw :D ty so much for the art though its rly cute :3