** Please note this universe/story contains some adult themes, especially the demon characters and their relationships with each other. There is also mild body horror. Proceed with caution. **

The main story takes place in the year 2022 after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in this timeline the pandemic was much more deadly, killing over half of the world’s population. As such, much of the remaining land is left to ruin and waste due to the lack of humans left to maintain it. Only larger cities and metropolitan areas were able to continue functioning almost entirely as normal and many humans relocated to those areas, meaning the population is concentrated in a few places but the spaces in between are uninhabited and left to ruin. Humans concentrated in cities are trying to get back to normal, though some areas are more “normal” than others. Technology is still very prevalent, and religious humans believe that the end times have begun, trying to rally those to their cause. 

In this universe, major events such as natural disasters and pandemics are orchestrated by the demon race as a means to mass harvest human souls, which is their main source of power and also extends a demon’s life. COVID-19 was the biggest success yet, and the demons are more powerful than ever as the human world is slowly recovering from the massive drop in population.

The realms of the afterlife are the angel realm of Pallamel, the demon realm of Priddemel, and Purgatory.



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