
Characters that belong in collaborative stories, games, or anything else I thought didn't fit elsewhere

Troll CS StarDragon NFSNFT Jadeblood Mutant Common Human Experiment Violetblood Blueblood Half-Elemental Feral Cat Purpleblood Pinkblood Tealblood Bronzeblood Oliveblood Rustblood Rare StarCrafter Warrior Uncommon Dreamy Goldblood StarEater Magnolia Indigoblood Limeblood Greyblood Adult StarDasher Change Curses StarShooter Drift Seadweller 5e Life Esk Guild of Dancing Shadows Czylph DnD TWWM StarWeaver StarSweeper StarRobber StarFisher Fiskert Nature God Gem Light Spirit Air Nue Blackblood Lepitsune Golden Eyed Elf Special Ethereal Legendary Ancestor Form Whiteblood Water Energy Electricity Brightblood Leader Neverlore Bard 2e Gold Cycle Scarftail Blood Umbra Leviathan Paladin Time Aasimar Pathfinder Open Fire Naga Contrast Mind Dead Space Deceased Gefklen Barbarian UC Orc Rogue Commissions WIP Earth Blakrye Exile Tiefimar Poison FourArm Cleric Dhampir Chimera Other Undine Eladrin Sales Nazalia Pastelblood Albino Queen Venos