AcidBone's Profile Comments




Hi there!

Miss seeing ya about crazy lady ;P

Awwwws, yeah it has been awhile! I've been here and back and pretty much all over XD

haha yeah tis life, I've been running around like my normal crazy self lol

eeey <3



Oh hai!

Oh snaps, hey you~

How are you?

Not bad. Been having quite a bit of craziness happening lately, but trying to keep on keeping on. How've you been?

I understand that feeling XD and I've been fine, trying to get things out of the way so I can move forward with my projects XD so many of my buddies are on here<3

That's very cool <3 Seems like a great way to keep in touch and such :D

Oh yeah<3 especially seeing that I cant log into my FA atm >>;

1 Replies

Brah, Sup Brah? Hows chillin? Duuuuddeeee!

Duuuuuude totally rad man, like I was here...and I was like...dude...let's buy some drinks, and he was like brah? and I was like whoa, and he was like...righteous man.....duuuuuude.