
FieldClan was destroyed in a fire over 10,000 moons ago. Now, the spirits of StarClan guide new cats to rebuild the clan.


FieldClan doesn't strictly follow the warrior code. They cohabitate under their own simple rules: follow the leader's will, do no harm, and praise the spirits. These rules are arranged in order of least to greatest importance.

wcats male warrior female deceased clangen starclan leader special powers deputy nonbinary cicadaclan cedarclan cliffclan no clan meadowclan medicine cat designed by others hazelclan shineclan isleclan dark forest Snow clan founder pineclan stoneclan HazelClan founder featherclan IsleClan founder fieldclan pokemon StoneClan founder warmclan humanoid guide elder apprentice Hailstar faction CicadaClan founder rebel loyalist beastfolk flight rising WIP original timeline mlp sproutclan shiny ones Followpath faction joyous cycle sona kit fogclan niravar demon alicorn Douseflame faction doomclan mediator erased timeline queen unicorn WarmClan rp noncat