
A closed species by AcyFaust.

 What is a Lumioozle?  

Lumioozles  are cute, luminescent beings that thrive in the darkest corners of the  ocean's abyss. They come in an array of shapes and sizes, each more  adorable than the last. Their bodies are soft and gel-like and depending  on the temperature of the water can be more solid or liquid. Their  bioluminescent qualities manifest in radiant patterns and colors across  their gelatinous skin. This dance of colors creates a captivating light  show and is used for communication purposes between Lumioozles. If a  Lumioozle is taken out of water, they will not survive long between the  exposure to direct sunlight and the vast pressure differences.

These  peaceful creatures make their home in the mysterious depths of the  ocean, where sunlight cannot penetrate. They are most commonly found  near hydrothermal vents, where they use their bioluminescence to  navigate and communicate with each other in the pitch-black waters. They  are well adapted to the extreme pressures and temperatures of the  abyss, making their homes among the volcanic formations of the ocean  floor. Some have evolved and can survive in water that is much shallower  than usual for their species.

Lumioozles are known for their  friendly and cooperative nature. They live in closely-knit communities,  relying on a sophisticated system of bioluminescent signals to  communicate and coordinate within their groups. They also known to  create unique hums and chirps to communicate with other Lumioozles that  are in close proximity. Their vocal communication is hauntingly  beautiful as it can be heard echoing throughout the darkness of the  ocean waters. They feed on small bioluminescent prey and tiny organisms  that drift through the deep-sea currents. Their bioluminescence allows  them to stun their prey with mesmerizing displays of light, adjusting  the brightness of their glow at a whim. When they catch sight of prey,  they dim their glow to almost nothing and when upon them brighten up  before gulping the prey down in their tiny beak like mouths.

Currently,  there will be no "rarity" or "trait" system for Lumioozles. The goal  behind this is to have less limitations with designs.

 TOS (Terms of Service)  

Lumioozles are a Closed Species by AcyFaust. Please do not make your own.

Lumioozles and their designs are for personal use only. They cannot be used commercially.

You are free to alter the design slightly such as colors and markings upon purchasing a Lumioozle.

Credit AcyFaust for the species and the original design when posting your new Lumioozle.

Do  not resell the design for more than you purchased it for unless if you  purchased additional art of them. You may add the cost of the additional  artwork you purchased to the overall price.