Sales / Trades


𒀸If offering USD, you may haggle or provide an offer.

𒀸For trades, I prefer them to be equal in worth. For example, if you offer to trade a $25 design for my $50 design, I'll ask you to make up the difference in either USD or an additional design. On the flip side, I may offer an additional design or USD if my half is below equal worth.

𒀸I am not interested in art offers unless it's HQ or I like your style.

𒀸DON'T offer me low quality designs, doll makers, or AI generated images.*

𒀸Unless a character is specifically marked as up for trade, DO NOT offer trades.*

𒀸If you bought or received a design from me through trade, I don't care if you resell it for what they're worth. For example, I traded you a design worth $50, I don't care if you decide to resell it for $50.

*(I'm sick of those "anyone in my TH" offers on designs marked for sale/ money offers. Especially since these are usually TH accounts full of low quality designs, too. It's getting really old and annoying. Anyone doing this from now on will be blacklisted and if it's recurrent, they'll be blocked.)