Akasira's Bulletins

art fight !!!

Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by Akasira

YEAHHH !! team stardust here <3 im gonna try to revenge / attack back when i can c: ! this is my 8th year holy moly...


[ Realms Away ] Lopilu Raffle!

Posted 5 months, 6 days ago by Akasira

check out this super pretty raffle here!! RA is a cute ARPG with a variety of nice species and super cool community!


cs raffle !!! by a friend c:

Posted 9 months, 25 days ago by Akasira

check out these three lovely raffles here, here, and here! cs/arpg is made by a lovely friend and these designs were made celebrating the new year /o/ !! come join!

Realms Away ARPG - MYO Launch!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Akasira

hihi! a good friend of mine is re-launching her ARPG site that she's put a lot of thought and love into <3 it has lots of exciting things in store and a lot of different kinds of species to look at and participate in! 

check it out! <3


art / commissions discord! ❤️

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Akasira

hihi! so I've been wanting to do this for a while, and I've decided to open a personal discord community server for those who want to support my art/watch for my commission openings, etc!

the community is open to everyone, and to anyone who wants to just see more of my art/support me. you don't have to be a commissioner to join my server ❤️

there's also a few general chats for people to just chill out as well /o/ but this is primarily a server for my art and to show WIPs/where I will have commission openings. the link is below! feel free to join if you'd like /o/ thank you!

Discord Link

resale boost <3

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Akasira

boosting a lovely person's resales post ! please go have a look if you are able to help her out /o/ !

chargebacks - crosspost

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Akasira

cross-posted from DA, because I thought I'd make people aware here too;;

so essentially there was a huge fuckup with my bank and it pended a bunch of charges from about a month ago~ until now as fraud and reversed the charges. you might have gotten a chargeback notice from PayPal if you see anything from me from a month ago/now. please contact me ASAP if this happened to you because it is NOT intentional and I'm trying to get everything sorted ASAP. this is a nightmare, and PayPal does not help. ty everyone so far that has been patient with me about this- I would NEVER try to scam someone intentionally. I will get everyone their money back that I owe them when everything either goes through/see what happens. ;; 

bysmal bat MYO launch event !

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Akasira


super cute species launch myo event ! check it out /o/

AF bulletin !

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Akasira

yes! it is i !! team bloom ! 

im participating this year again! not sure how much ill do, but i try to return attacks as much as possible!

friendly fire = OK !! 


god im on a losing streak though for af have mercy....

hey guys! I thought I'd put some feelers out there!

But I mod for a species that's been out for a while that my friend has been developing for a few years. We have a small community on Discord!  

but we're really looking to expand it in the sense since it's a semi-arpg, and my friend is basically looking for coders!

we have a lot of things that would be 100x easier if they were coded and if stuff was automatic. we have a lot of randomizers that we need to do by hand, but if we had like some coding done for some randomizers, etc. that would be awesome!

but she's really looking to expand on her species and put some feelers out there for people who might be willing to try out coding some stuff for us. she is willing to pay/hire people! we understand that coding is complicated and that it is labor intensive depending on what kind of work it is. you will be paid for your work and you will be paid what you deserve for your work! so we would love if we could hire someone to help us out! no budget. so we would be open to discuss quotes/etc. 

we can explain more details with people who are interested! but basically we would love if people helped us make some randomizers/and stuff like that. we would love help coding a TH world in the future, or even a website. but for now we would love to put some feelers out for the following:

- Randomizers: 

  • basically helping us make something that helps us randomize items/genos automatically. such as inputting how many items, and then it gives us x amount of items from a set list
  • for genos, the species itself is supposed to be a semi-arpg, so there is a breeding/genos/genetic system. we have a simple coder that helps us with the basics (such as fur type, color count, gender, series) that randomizes it when you put in both the mother/father's genetics. however, as the species grows there's more stuff that's been added and we would love an updated coder ;o;/ we are always open to helping explain more as well if you are unfamiliar with how an arpg species works (i am quite unfamiliar with it, so it would be my friend who is the owner who helps!)
  • coder that randomizes all the MYO types and picks one out by inputting x / something like that

- TH World:

  • eventually we would love to create a toyhouse world and would love help with the coding aspect of it since none of us know how to code </3 i only know basic basic html and i use layouts LMAO  

- Potential Website:

  • this would be likely way way in the future but we would also love to put out some feelers for people who would be willing to help code a website <3 

- Discord Bots:

  • someone willing to create/code discord bots for our server, possibly help keep track of our point system (we can explain more in depth)

- DeviantArt Group:

  • our DA group page is so old, and so juvenile. we would love to have someone help revamp our da group coding USAHDIGOHS 

but yes! anyways, if you or know anyone who might be interested in giving any of these things a shot please feel free to comment or pm me here on toyhouse and we can discuss further! my discord is also open for messages akira ❤#9673 ! but please tell me who you are /o/ ! tysm guys for reading!