Alliieennss's Bulletins

Alium notes

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by Alliieennss

“living” space stations

tentative - portals: favored spots by certain beings, noticed by humans/turn into cryptids

giant stations, so big you can go for a long time without seeing a window to the outside, kowloon walled city

artificial habitats inside

various actual land sites, portals

everything shitty


What i have so far is all most of my main characters thus far are artificially created, so they're all unique. I plan to make actual Species at some point, and i might make some of my existing characters part of a species but i havent gotten there yet.
I have no set reason for their creation at this point, but i like the idea that a "person" with a lot of societal power just likes doing it for "fun", or that they're trying to create obedient beings to give them more power/ secure their power, ex. creatures solely for fighting.

There's a large population (unique beings or populations of actual species i havent decided on) on a meandering station. It cannot land anywhere, but it has the ability to set up portals to nearby planets, and only nearby planets. If it gets too far away the portal will no longer work. If enough of the populace finds a certain planet interesting enough, it can secure a temporary orbit. They have no plans to live on an actual planet, their station is their home.
They constantly expand their station, and work with artificially created organic materials, so their station also "grows" on it's own. They also use whatever space junk they find to build up the station.
I want the look of the inside to be heavily based on the Kowloon Walled City.
They have various artificial terrestrial habitats within the station, based on previous planets' environments they've visited.

My main so far are lost on a planet. I can't decide if i want them to not recall how they got there or not. They remember their lives on the station and want to go back, but they can't locate the portal. They have time to find the portal.

hodgepodge notes

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago by Alliieennss

Brown hyena - Sanjana

Striped Hyena - Djinni

Spotted Hyenas - Zeboul and Vesela

Aardwolf - Gomer

Aardvark - Bhumi

Various Notes

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago by Alliieennss
  • spring cleaning, each has one area to clean
  • items in safety deposit box
  • 3 pieces clothes
  • change colors slightly
  • haunted house dream vix sulag candy
  • tyrannian’s on average larger than most other neopets, same size or slightly larger than burly mutants
  • neopia world slowly breaking down after jumpstart (in world equivalent/???/faeries)
    not apocalypse, notice small things first (shitty new items/deteriorating quality of the world, odd behaviour from other inhabitants/new news guy not knowing how to write shit), riots (neoboard mayhem), paranoia and panic about the end of the world
  • pets doing dailies
  • pets at cockroach towers
  • chocolate factory jurassic park
  • Roeker got picked on a lot when younger, stood up for herself and no one bothered her after that
    Juniper scar giant dumb tattoo hard life
  • Who abhors violence, even self defense, argues with Juniper often: stupid argument

  • clothes are for public and formal (design clothing types), fancy clothes/NC clothes status symbol
  • disappearances xenon slums in space station (huge space station, slums similar to kowloon walled city)
  • circle portrait and basic art
  • xenon_terror unstable
  • intra-species variations
  • intra-species body variants
    ex. two-legged lupes and four-legged lupes, two-legged krawks and four-legged krawks
  • coffee banners for each account
  • who collects stamps
    who collects scarabs
  • isadora or drevils makes soups
    do i want Fungi to be a weird hoarder
  • makes candles, potions, finds varies crafty objects
  • sam grows shrooms of varying effects in caves and wherever
  • Multiple story house in a hill, under tree, around roots, around tree base, on tree/tree house, look-out point at top of tree,
    underground house leads to cave house, cave leads to water, water leads to lake, lake leads to multiple rivers.

    Make town. Normal neopets live in town maybe
    live in town, make clandestine visits to where mutants live

is this like a journal

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago by Alliieennss

this is for my neopets, i might use this journal/bulletin to put down my neopets notes and stuff